In which, Jimin is asked to take over his family business and be the Mafia leader of Busan. But bad for his parents, Jimin had other plans. Jimin's brother wanted to be the leader so he was more than jealous.
Jimin ran away from his home an...
Yoongi woke up by the sunlight spraying through the small gapes between the curtains of his windows. He slowly slide his hands on his side to find no one but emptiness. He opened his eyes as soon as he didn't find Jimin beside him. He sat upon the bed hanging his legs down and rubbed his eyes. He then heard some minor noises from the washroom.
"Jimin-ah! Are you in there?" Yoongi asked out loud.
Jimin opened the door and came out rubbing his hair with a towel. He was wearing a white bath robe which helped seducing Yoongi without even trying."No, my ghost is in there."
"Wow" Yoongi whispered but was a bit too loud which made Jimin blush. He went to the closet to find nothing but black t-shirts and sweat pants and black Jeans......
Yoongi sat there staring at Jimin. He was mesmerized by the view. To Yoongi he looked like a full course meal.
Yoongi stood up and back hugged Jimin. He placed his head on the other boy's shoulder. They both smiled at each other through the mirror.
"I love you......" Yoongi whispered in Jimin's ear making his blush even more. Yoongi chuckled and kiss him on his cheek.
"But I'm so ugly with all these bruises" Jimin pouted.
"Ah you are not ugly at all. You are just too perfect to be ugly." Yoongi said assuring.
"I love you too Min Yoongi...." Jimin said just to get turned around and kissed on the lips by Yoongi.
He kissed him back. Yoongi pulled him even more closer and held him tightly.
"Ouch!!" Jimin squealed. Yoongi parted himself as soon as he could.
"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" Yoongi asked checking him properly.
"Yes, I'm okay....." Jimin replied softly.
"Come sit here." He lrt Jimin sit on the bed and placed his hands on the other boy's shoulder.
"Baby.....does it sting?" Yoongi asked concerned.
Jimin looked down at his lap and nodded, "Mhm it does."
"Where?? Show me."
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Jimin looked at a drooling Yoongi with puppy eyes revealing his upper body.
"Are you trying to seduce me?" Yoongi said looking at the sexy at cute boy.
"Do I need to try?" Jimin replied.
Jimin pulled Yoongi closer. Arms wrapped around his neck and kissed him.
After a few minutes they broke the kiss for oxygen.
"We... should use more..... tongue-" yoongi said panting.
Jimin pulled him into another kiss. Yoongi licked Jimin's lower lip, asking permission which Jimin allowed and Yoongi slide his tongue into Jimin's mouth tasting each and every corner of his mouth. The kiss got more and more intense.
"Jiminie-hyung your bestfriend--" Woozi walked in to see his two hyungs sucking each other lips.
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"OhmygodIdidn'tseeanything" Woozi said quickly to himself and ran out.
'Ding dong........'
The door bell rang. Jungkook was sitting in the living room. He ran towards the door and opened it to see.....
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"Um...hey. Soory for disturbing this early. I was here to check on Jimin. My parents are worried about him alot.....um....can I come in."
Jungkook was shocked to see his crush waiting at his door steps looking so hot.
He felt the caterpillars in his stomach turn into butterflies.
He was very happy to see Tae but was really embarrassed too. He looked at Tae who stood there looking like a Gucci model.
And then there he was..... Looking like an old mannequin who came out of a trash can. He hung his head down lost in his thoughts.