part 37

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KingKai With my loveQueenJennie

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KingKai With my loveQueenJennie.

MeanYoongi hope you don't bother my one again.

KingKai I won't.

WwhJin Aww my baby is dating. Congrats!

KingKai Thanks mom.

QueenJennie I love you so much.

KingKai  I love you more !

Taebear  Congrats hyung ❤️.

KingKai  thanks tae.

"Wow the comments are just...." Jimin said. "And you still wanna hide it from me uh?" Jimin raised his eyebrow.

"Ahh stop it Jiminie!" Kai blushed.

"Anyways... Congrats hyung." The two boys hugged each other.

"You two are so cute." Jin said looking at them with loving eyes.

"No they are not!"
All of them looked at the door to see Yoongi standing there with a bag of chips and some soda cans.

Jimin directly parted away from Kai. Kai did the same. Now they were almost 6feet away from each other.

"That's better" Yoongi said while walking in.

"It's not what it looked like..." Jimin said.

"I trust you baby." Yoongi came to Jimin and kissed his forehead. "I'm sure nobody would like to touch what's mine." Yoongi glared at Kai and got a eye roll from him.

"Yoongi why don't you chill down your jealous overprotective ass" Jin said.

" boyfriend is unsafe at your house." Yoongi narrowed his eyes and Jin gave him a death glare. Jin was about to speak but Namjoon spoke up.

"Cool down guys, the show is about to start. Let's not miss the beginning."  Joon said.

"Yes I'm with dad." Kai said and took his seat.

"Me too" Jimin added as he sat beside Kai on the couch.

Yoongi went up to them and sat in between them as he was too jealous of Kai."i think this place is more comfortable" yoongi said.

"You're just too jealous of my handsome face" Kai whispered loud enough for every one to hear.

"Handsome my foot" Yoongi replied.

Jin sat beside Namjoon and they hugged eachother. On the other side of the couch yoonmin cuddled up into a ball. Kai sat there on his own not having anyone to hold.

"Yah!! I don't want to see this stupid show." Kai shouted.

"Then get lost" Yoongi said without any emotion to receive a slap on his chest by Jimin.

"Ouch you'll hurt me so much..... Now i need to see my doctor. I'm leaving." He said and ran to his room.

Taehyung's POV

I'm so so angry. I can't explain how angry I'm. My parents are forcing me to marry someone I have never met. Not exactly that, but still they forced me to come to this stupid date.

I drove as slowly as I can, what that person goes home because I am late. But it's an unsuccessful plan because I was only fifteen minutes late.

I walked into the hotel which was not less than a palace. I wonder he wants to show off his richness. I don't even care about his money I have enough.

Jungkook never asked me about my family business or what I do for a living. And never did I ask him about his business. But he seems pretty rich, you see the designer clothes he wear.

I went to reception," Excuse me Miss. Is there any table reserved for Kim Taehyung."

"No. There is a room and the whole west side of hotel service is booked for Mr. Kim Taehyung." The girl said.

"Um.. o.. okay" I replied. I was not angry anymore. I was nervous. All I could feel was fear, what if he wants to sleep with me.

I walked into the elevator and pressed the button of the respective floor. I was praying the whole time that it would not be the things I am thinking about.

The door opened and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as Jimin asked me to. And it actually helps calming down. I walked out of the elevator and a staff member came towards me.

"Hello sir, Are you Mr. Kim Taehyung?" He asked smiling brightly.

"Yes..." I said nervously.

"Okay please come with me."

I followed him where he was going and

I'm just so much in love with him that I'm seeing him here too.

I'm just so much in love with him that I'm seeing him here too

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I said that I won't update more chapters....but what to do I'm kinda crazy.

Bye. Thanks for reading ❤️

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