Rescue Plan

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Dawn and Elizabeth were brought to the Black pearl to see all crew members on board as a tall dark man walked towards them. "What is the purpose of bringing hostages?" said the man. "They brought up the pirate code of Parley." said Pintel as Elizabeth step in talking with only to get backhanded. "You'll speak when spoken to." said the man as Dawn was being held back when she tried to tackle him. "There's no way of treating our guess with the code Parley." said th man wearing a hat with two feathers. "What your names?" said the man. "Elizabeth Turner. I was a maid in the governors home." Said Elizabeth as Dawn looked at her in shock. "And yours?" said the man looking at Dawn. "Dawn and your Barbossa." said Dawn. "Aye and Ye last name?" said Barbossa. "I didn't have one after my mother was killed." Said Dawn as a monkey jumped on her shoulder. "So what is your purpose here Ms. Turner and Dawn." said Barbossa. "To leave Royal port alone and dont come back." said Elizabeth making the pirates laugh while Dawn rolled her eyes. She looked at the monkey holding up her medallion and jumped to Barbossa's shoulder showing it to him. "Where do get this?" said Barbossa looking at Dawn curiously. "I found it in a envelope saying it was my fathers before he disappeared." said Dawn.

"Hmmm. Take them to the cabins and hoist the sails."said Barbossa walking away as Elizabeth and Dawn went after him. "You have let us off the ship a-" "I know what ye said but parley code is for pirates like her and welcome to black pearl."said Barbossa. Two men dragged the girls to the cabin and closed the doors. "Why did you say you were a Turner?" said Dawn. "I dont know i thought maybe it was to protect me." said Elizabeth looking out the window. "I hope Marina and Will help us."said Dawn. "Me too." said Elizabeth as they looked around trying to find a way out this mess.

~ Meanwhile ~

Marina Pov

I woke up to find myself in a cellar and groaned in pain while rubbing he spot where I got hit. "Rough night luv." Said a voice. I looked to see Sparrow against the bars breaking a bone using the loose brick. "More like an unfair fight if that's what you mean. How did i get here anyways?" I asked. "I saw two men with a commodore dragging you in believing that you were involved in the crew of Barbossa." Said Jack looking at me. "Sounds stupid when you say it but makes sense after all Norrington hated my guts as a child." I told him still looking at me. "What makes you say that?" Said Jack walking close to me interested. "I can see the hate in his eyes when I see him." I told him. "May I ask you something?" Said Jack sitting next to me. "What?" I asked. "When I was in the waters saving Elizabeth. A woman with a long scaly green tail and aqua colored hair had half brown and light blue eyes. And you have her eyes which brings me the question. Where were you at the accident?" Said Jack.

I sighed since pirates can tell whose lying. "I'm her and why are you curious about it?" I said as Jack was staring at my chest. "Where did you get that?" He whispered pointing at my breasts. I looked down to realize my necklace was still on. "That is another story and what did the crew want with The medallions." I said changing the subject. "You never heard of the curse of the Black Pearl. Well the crew found a treasure in The Death Island which belong to Cortez who place a curse by the gods on those who stole for greed. In order for it be restored by returning 892 of the golden pieces as it must be paid by blood. Elizabeth has the final piece and your friend Dawn has the extra piece given by her father." Jack explained. "We have to save them." I muttered as Jack got up and tried picking the lock with half a broken bone. After a while we heard the door open making the dog run off and jack laid down.

Walking to close to the bars to see Will heading towards us. "Sparrow." Said Will. "Aye." Said Jack lifting his head. "You familiar with the black Pearl." Said Will. "It is so. What got you interested?" Said jack looking at his nails. "They taken Elizabeth." Said Will. "And don't forget Dawn." I said walking out of the dark corner. "So you did find a girl." Said Jack. "Where is the pearl headed?" Said Will ignoring me. "Where it's headed?" Said Jack. "He doesn't know about it Jack." I told him. Jack then started to explain to will the same story with me. I looked at my necklace as the two talked for a bit as I heard the bars being moved. "Lets go." Said Will as Jack grabbed his stuff and followed them out. We moved quickly to the docks as Jack stopped under the bridge looking at the troops loading the ship. "We're stealing their ship." Said Will as I gave him a look. "That interceptor. Now this girl how much does she mean to you." Said Jack facing us. "I die for her." Said Will. "I'd go to through the seven seas for my sister." I said. "Good. As you go in the waters and follow us closely."said Jack as I nodded and left. Walking along side the sand I slowly went in the waters under the docks then went under as my tail appeared.

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