We're Close

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Marina walked on a unfamiliar ship seeing deformed crew members running the sails and washing the deck. "Get more of your back into it." Said a man with long wet hair had a starfish and barnacles attached to his face and body. He turned around walking right through Marina like a ghost. "What?" Said marina checking herself and looked at the man. She found grabbing a bucket of what looked like chum and headed to the rail but stopped seeing a shape of a ship in the fog."Captain! Captain!" Said the man going on the upper deck. "What turner?!" Said a man with hair and heard as tentacles and has both right limbs as a crab but his face was blurry. "A ship has been spotted sir." Said Turner. 'Thats Bootstrap Bill? He looks just like Will but why does he look familiar tho?' Marina thought as the captain looked got the left to see a clear view of the ship. "Take her down and bring me the souls." Said the Captain walking past Marina and turner. She followed the captain to his head quarters and went in with him. The first thing she saw was an organ and a few things on it but saw a necklace exactly like hers. Hearing a baby starting to cry the captain walked to the right side of the room where a makeshift crib was placed in the corner. He looked over and leaned down enough for the baby to calm down and played with his beard. "I'm here my little Angelfish." Said the captain picking the child up in his crab arm. He went over to the organ and started playing making the baby giggle and made happy noises. Then a loud commotion was heard as the Captain put the child back in the crib and pulled the covers over the child. 

"Jack! The crew is here." Said a voice making her jolt up. She got up rubbing her eyes and walked out of the cabin room as Jack got on the port. Marina got to the rails looking down at her reflection in the ocean thinking about the dream. "See someone's up." Said Will standing next to her. "Why did I over slept?" Said marina turned towards him. "A little and we didn't want to bother you when you were tossing and turning." Said Will. "Really? But I'm glad you didn't." Said Marina. "Why's that?" Said Will. "I had dream possibly about m-" "Marina, Will! The crew are here." Jack interrupted Marina. "We talked about it later. Come on." Said Will leaving the ship. She went towards the men and saw the crew lined up as Jack and Gibbs were talking which she partly zoned out. Until a woman spoke up Jack took off her hat and said her boat was stolen from him then slapped him. "You deserved it." Said marina as Will asked about it. "Yeah I did deserve that one." Said Jack as Anna Maria nodded. "We borrowed it and planned to return it." Said Jack. "But you didn't." Said Anna Marie. "We'll get you a new one." Said Will as Jack repeating his words to make her better. "That one." He said pointing to the one they stole from Northington. "Ha that's rich! If we make out this alive Anna Marie then I'll get a friend of mine to get bigger and better one than that." Said Marina as Anna Marie thought about it shortly and agreed. 

The crew cheered and everybody a boarded the ship as Anna Marie and Marina followed behind. "Two women aboard is twice bad luck." Gibbs muttered and took a swing of his rum. Jack got to the wheel as he kept a close eye on everyone getting the ship sailed to the dangerous journey. Marina and Anna Marie climbed to the sails to release it the wind as the current was just right. "Why has Jack have you with him?" Said Anna Marie collecting the ropes. "Got thrown in the same as cell as him after my sister was taken with my friend by pirates." Said Marina handing her the second rope. "Got a name? You look familiar." Said Anne Marie climbing down with marina above her. "Marina Swann." Marina answered. "Ah! The Governors daughter. I've seen you sword fighting with a young boy in the Smith shop last month." Said Anne Marie reaching the deck. "Yeah. The boy you mentioned is Jake Foxx. He sometimes comes to Lizzy for tutoring and private sword fighting with Will or i." Said Marina. "You don't seem to act like the upper class. More like a pirate like that over there." Said Anne Marie. "I've getting that way too much from basically everyone I meet. Mostly from Norrington who I personally want to strangle." Said Marina slightly annoyed. Anne Marie laughed. "Id want to do the same for Jack. I better get a moving." She says walking past her. Marina looked over to the sea sensing the winds and tides slowly changing meaning a storm is forming soon. She hummed in thought crossing her arms. "This be a strong I say. You might want to take over before the crew knows something." Said Jack standing next to her. "I was actually thinking about a swim. I be asleep in your quarters until the storm is over. If I take cover the strong tides could break the ship enough to bring the sea in just a little." Said Marina walking to the quarters. 

Jack pulled out his compass seeing the arrow pointing northwest and to where Marina left. He looked at the sea and closed the compass spotting will and talking about his past with the black pearl. Jack walked over telling them how he got off the island and get ready for the storm. Will sighed and did the ropes making its tight enough then noticed a dog like creature swim towards the storm and got nudged harshly by a crew member making him look the other way. Marina managed to squeeze through the window of the quarters and dive into the sea. She swam deeper into the abyss as the light barely showed for her hair and body glowed faintly enough to find her way. What felt like forever of staying close to the ship and pushing through the rough tides. Marina slowly looked around feeling something is close on her tail. A low animal like wail caught her attention making her stop facing a blurry creature behind her getting closer. "Rafiti?" She muttered as the creatures stopped. The creature had resemblance to a Shepard only it had six eyes  and no fur. More sharp teeth sticking out to the front from top to bottom and no ears only to have long webbed tentacles as well as the tail. Rafiti barked and swam past her showing her the way out of the storm. 

A/n: I don't own Jake Foxx in this story. He belongs to Anakin Solo.

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