4 | Euphoria

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Euphoria: (n.) a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness


Asahi's pov

I woke up to see Noya sitting in a chair next to me. He was sleeping. I smiled as I stood up and stretched. I walked over to him, picking him up and placing him on the couch. I sat down next to Noya, having him lean on me. I wrapped an arm around him and held him. Just like I did when I first saw him again.

I was going to fall asleep, until there was a knock at the door.

Huh? A knock, who could it possibly be?

I got up and slowly let Noya lie down. Grabbing my gun and aiming at the door. I looked through the peep hole but I couldn't see anything. There was another knock that made me jump.

"Who is it? I have a gun." I say loud enough for whatever it was to hear me.

I moved the drawer we used to block the door.

"Asahi? Its me, Suga." The voice answered.

"Suga? Uh, tell me something only you and I would know." I told him.

"Hmm... Oh I know! When you came to my house once and I let my pet snake loose and you ran around screaming." He told me while laughing.

"Okay! Ah.. luckily Noya didn't hear that." I let Suga in.

He walked in and hugged me. "I'm so glad you survived. I came here just in case Noya didn't get the directions right."

"Wait you spoke to Noya? How?" I inquired.

"Oh, he probably didn't tell you, but I guess he found a radio and found the channel our radio was on. The safe zone isn't actually in this town, its the next one. But, the rest of us are at a house on the other side of town, about two hours away." He explained.

"You came alone though? Thats dangerous." I said worried.

"Yeah, but I didn't want to risk anything. Besides, I didn't see any zombies." Suga laughed.

We talked for a bit at the table while Noya slept. He seemed to be doing fine. He hasn't really moved in his sleep.

"Why don't you put him in an actual bed, those are way more comfortable." Suga wiggled his eyebrows.

"I dont know, he seemed comfortable there and- what a minute. You meant you wanted me to sleep with him!" I whisper yelled.

Suga just laughed. "Pfft of course, you like him don't you?"

"Well, what if he doesn't. I can't just hop in bed with him without his consent!" I argued.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind." He continued laughing.

I threw my hands in the air. "I mean, maybe you're right, but still, you could also be wrong and I could be getting mixed signals."

"If you say so!" He joked.

"Stop laughing!" I yelled.

I heard Noya stir behind me. Turning my head to look at him, I saw him stretching and rubbing his eyes. He looked at me, then at Suga.

"Sugaaa!" He got up and ran to Suga and hugged him. "What are you doing here?"

"I came here because we didn't want you to get lost. You're not very good with directions." He laughed.

"For your information, last night I found my way out of a dark and scary forest all by myself. I think I am perfectly fine with directions, thank you very much." Noya crossed his arms and turned his body.

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