8 | Selcouth

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Selcouth: (adj.) unfamiliar, rare, strange and yet marvelous


Noya's pov


I wake up and Asahi isn't next to me. I look around the house and everyone was missing.

I run outside and not a single living thing is out. Looking around, not being able to find anyone or anything.

I hear a scream and I turn around to see Asahi getting dragged away. I run towards him only to be tripped by a zombie. It grabbed my leg and pulled me back. Digging my nails into the ground to get away from the nasty creature, but just leaving lines in the floor. I let out a blood curdling scream as the zombie sunk its decaying teeth into my flesh. Feeling something course through my veins, I threw my head back in agony.

From the bite wound, you can see my veins turn a crimson red, spreading throughout my body.

I felt someone shaking me. My eyes flew open to see Asahi's worried face. I was covered in sweat and I was breathing heavily. I havent had a bad dream like this in a while.

My eyes zipped around the room, having a hard time focusing. "Hey, hey. Look at me. Keep your eyes on me. You're safe." Asahi comforted me.

My breathing slowed down as I stared at Asahi. I quickly hugged Asahi. Tightening my grip around him, not wanting to let go.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Asahi asked, lifting my chin to face him.

I looked away and nodded my head. I took a deep breath. "I dreamed that I lost everyone. I couldn't find you or anyone one else." I hesitated for a second, then continued. "I then heard you scream and saw you get dragged away by zombies. Then a zombie tripped me and dragged me away as well. It bit into me. It felt so real."

Asahi's eyes softened. "I won't let that happen. I promise. We'll make it, just the two of us. And the others."

I smiled. "Pinky promise?" I held out my pinky.

He laughed interlocking our pinkies together. "Pinky promise."

It was still quite a bit early so we went back to sleep. Well, Asahi went back to sleep. I stayed awake. My eyes were wandering around the room, making sure there wasn't any danger. For the rest of the night I didn't sleep, resorting back to my old sleeping schedule.

Asahi's pov

I wake up and see Noya next to me watching me. He smiled once he saw that I was awake. His state didn't look so good. I mean, for the whole apocalypse thing he hasn't either, but he looks worse. The bags around his eyes were bigger and his eyes seemed dull.

He probably didn't sleep last night...

"Morning Asahi!" He greeted.

"Good morning Noya." I replied.

We walked to the living room and everyone was already there. We ate and left the house. In the city there's a lot more zombies than when we were walking on the countryside. Every now and then we would run into a small group of zombies and fight them off. To avoid fighting more zombies, we took the alleyways.

Just then, Kaito sighed and turned to face the group. "Okay, we're close enough. Guys?"

Then Insuki and Aimi pulled out their guns and pointed them at us. We put up our hands and sat on the ground.

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