Chapter 10: Iskall comes

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Iskall's POV(This is the next day BTW)

I decided to come and talk to Mumbo as I haven't seen him in a while so I stopped by his base but he wasn't there. I decided to wait for him and soon enough, Mumbo walked in with Xelqua.

"Hallo" I said

"Hi Iskall." Mumbo replied

"Why you look so stressed?" I asked

Mumbo looked at Xelqua, ne nodded

"It's to do with Grian." He told me

"Short story, he got kidnapped, stabbed and Mumbo brought him back." Xelqua explained

"Where is he now?" I asked

"In his base, asleep."

"Shouldn't you be with him at all times?" I asked "Does Stress know about this?"

"We got Stress to help, and yes, I think we should keep an eye on him."

We walked over to Grian's base, he was in his bed, asleep, his torso was covered with bandages.

"How long?" I asked

"Two days, counting today" Xelqua answered

We stood there for a while, looking at Grian, until I decided to leave and go back to my base. It stayed like this for the next three or four days. Then Mumbo went missing.

Who do ya'll think it is? Also, the next chapter will contain shipping but if anyone doesn't like the ships I will put a TW at the beginning and if any hermits are reading this and are uncomfortable with being shipped I can re- write the chapter without the ship. Have a nice day/night girls, guys and non binary pals!

-Grain :)

244 words

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