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Aohane: Hello everyone!!!

Yina: Hey!!!

Sasuke: Yo Nya!!

Aohane: He said Nya!

Sasuke: I have to Nya!

Aohane: You did it again!

Sasuke: On to the question Nya!


Lee: when you don't like Sakura anymore, will you be my sempai pls?
I would ask Kakashi but he's too old for me... *anime cries*

By CharacterShipper


Lee: Sure!!!

Kakashi: But can I be your senior sempai??? *Kawaii eyes no jutsu!!!!*

Aohane: Aaahh KAWAII!!!!!!

*Aohane melt down*

Yina: Aohane!!!

*Yina build Aohane up*

Aohane: Remember, Kawaii eyes no jutsu is a powerfull jutsu and is only allowed to use if it's really necesarry

Kakashi: Sorry

Yina: We're going but there was another question so we're going to make it

Aohane: Bye!!!

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