102. nii chan and fanfiction information

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Aohane: Time for question time!!!
Yina: So be prepared...for the worst XD
Why does Itachi call nii-chan? Who is their nii-chan? XD
By Kurilro
Itachi: It is told in one of the previous chapters. Aohane and I made a deal. She doesn't like me in love anymore but she like me because we're now siblings
Aohane: That's true and I like Itachi nii san and yeah Sasuke nii san too I guess
Yina: Uhm alright but it's time to end it
Aohane: Please send more OC's we can use. Female or Male. It doesn't matter. But the age has to be 13-16 years old
Yina: BYE!!!!!
Aohane: And btw. The fanfiction shall be called: Our Bonds. I shall make the introduction so you can put the story in your reading list or something like that

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