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The week was going by pretty well. Aunt Hayley asked me to start calling her Hales (my guess is cause' the term 'Aunt' made her feel old). The first day there was sort of awkward because i was not sure what to say or do. Also i was scared she would ask me why i ran away because i was not ready to talk about 'SIR' at least not yet. But then when i asked her where the cereal was she said she'd make breakfast for us. When it slipped out that i don't know how to cook she was shocked. She said to herself "No wonder she ran away" and when she realized i'd heard she changed the topic and told me that could teach me so i said "Cool". Since then she has been teaching me how to cook and bake everyday.

In the nights i started to modify the ladders and place them out side the window but now it could only be used to get out rather than get in unless you had the remote that controlled it. Then i placed some tiny cameras and mirrors around the rooms so that i could monitor any activity. These cameras were so small even a supernatural had to try hard to see them so Hales would definitely not see them.I had to do this with the least amount of sound cause' otherwise Hales would wake up. Then when Hales went out i even set up this thin electronic wire around the perimeter of the house that would signal if anything with more than normal speed. In other words if some supernatural creature was nearby - I would know.

I knew that Hales knew that by me reading my Mom's Diary that i knew she was an Angel before. But i never brought it up in conversations because then i would have to be comfortable with telling her things about myself. Clearly we both aren't ready for that conversation yet. Then the weekend came along and Hales went out with her friends Cause on Monday the New Years holidays were getting over and then she would have to go back to work. She worked at the local law firm - ' Jack Barney's & Co. Law Firm' . 

When she came back -

"Park" Hales called out."I'm back".

"Hey" i replied, coming out of the kitchen with my plate of pasta. "Diners in the kitchen if you didn't eat out".

"Thanks, I'll just wash up", So then she came to eat with me at the table. She kept sneaking glances at me throughout dinner.

In training i had learned that people do this when the felt they needed to say or do something that was serious and made them uncomfortable. And this got me uncomfortable because i still wasn't sure if i could talk about 'Sir'. But i put on a neutral face and pretended not to notice those glances and continuous clearing if troth noises; plus she kept eating pretty fast which meant she was definitely nervous. 

Then she said those most dreaded words - "Park", pregnant pause, "We need to have a talk after your done eating. Okay?"

In my head i way going 'No, NO, Please, No' instead i just nodded. Then i mentally slapped myself. What the hell hell is wrong with me!?! No it's not okay, not okay at all. I guess I just have to eat extremely slowly - like till forever. Maybe it's about something stupid like forgetting to throw out the trash and i'm just overreacting. Riiiighht??? Of course not what else would we have to talk about that is serious other than the reason that you haven't mentioned why you ran away from your father or are living under her roof. She could even throw me out and where would i go. I did not think this through???Did I? Am I - nervous... Woah I've never been this scared and tensed before. So this is what hyperventilating feels like. Concentrate Park, CONCENTRATE.  God ahhh!!!! Wait maybe it could be 'the talk' you know about the birds and the bees. No i heard her say 'A TALK' not 'the talk' ( not like that talk would make me feel any better but still) No it's obviously about why i am here but am i ready to tell her about everything. One thing i know for sure is that i won't lie to her, so either i tell her the truth or i don't both ways her reaction to my response would define if i stay here and our relationship henceforth. But first i have to hear her out because if i make assumptions then i may say or do something i might regret later on. So i have to be mature and patient no matter how much i feel like running out of here i should just stay still. With this thought i became calm because now i had a plan... well sort of. And then i looked down and realized that my plate was now empty... What happened to eating real slow!?! I mentally slapped myself. Then mustering up some courage and patience i looked up at Hales.

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