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1. laughter/joy - after the fire, new maps are drawn / nothing to cry for, new dreams are born / out of the ruins, flowers will grow / people rebuilding, stone by stone

Aang had been... unusually silent during their first few hours at the temple. Well, maybe 'unusual' wasn't the right word. A heavier gravity to him was to be expected, seeing as the official reconstruction of the Southern Air Temple was set to begin in upcoming weeks. Which meant their group of friends was currently working together to create basic blueprints of different areas. Katara would never have demanded Aang be his normal, talkative self as he combed through the ruins of his home, because spirits was that an unfair standard to hold him to.

Still. That didn't mean she couldn't worry.

But how could they cheer him up? Katara didn't want to make light of the turmoil she was certain he was going through, and yet she also just - she wanted to comfort Aang. See him smile or hear him laugh at least once while they were here. Katara couldn't bear to watch the invisible load weigh heavier and heavier on his shoulders any longer.

At the moment, they were all mapping out the weakest parts of the temple, since reconstruction would have to begin with those more fragile areas. Toph and Zuko were one group, so Toph could sense the areas of unsteady infrastructure with her earthbending and Zuko could draw it out. Aang had gone with Suki, as he could reference his memory to compare what had changed from the past to the present while Suki marked down the most significant alterations.

Which had left Katara with her brother. For obvious reasons, Sokka would be the one examining the rubble while she would be the one mapping it out.

The work was long and tedious, though it was more painful than it was boring. While a formal ceremony had been provided for the Air Nomads a few weeks earlier at Aang's request - a way to send their spirits off in the traditional Nomadic manner - every now and then a slab of concrete would be displaced and reveal a set of charred bones. Which only made Katara worry about Aang more. If it was nauseating for her to witness, she couldn't imagine what the experience was like for him.

"We need to do something for Aang today," Katara said when they'd all stopped for lunch. Aang had momentarily left to investigate a particular room in the temple, so she'd seized the initiative to launch a let's-cheer-Aang-up plan. Their group sat in a circle on a small striped blanket, Appa stretched out comfortably behind them. "I - I don't know what, but there has to be something we can do to help him feel more like himself."

Suki nodded. "I was thinking the same thing. He seemed so..." She pursed her lips. "I don't know how to describe it. He wants to restore the temples, and it's clear he's happy to finally start, but..." She shook her head. "It's just hard for him, I think."

"He barely said a word the whole time we were eating," Toph pointed out. "I mean, he didn't even jump in when we started making fun of Zuko."

Zuko rolled his eyes as everyone snickered. "Normally I'd be offended, but I noticed how quiet he was, too. That's... unlike him."

"Okay, so we've agreed we need to do something," Sokka said, crossing his arms over his chest, "which means now we have to figure out what that 'something' is in the two minutes we have before Aang gets back."

Katara grimaced. Her brother made a good point, disheartening as it was to admit. They needed to work fast. "Everyone. Start throwing out ideas!" Even a terrible suggestion was better than none at all.

"Er, we could make fruit pies for him?" Zuko offered, brow furrowing in contemplation.

Katara shook her head. "Not a bad idea, but it would take way too much time. Anything else?"

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