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I didn't knew how to reply but rather his word send a question straight at my head is he's feelings real or he's just miscalculating he's hatred for Edward ?

Whatever it was I just awkwardly patted his back and he shrugs off with a small smile .

We sat there until the day ended and we missed lectures , not feeling guilty but sitting there in silence brought me a solace , a peace .

The next was a torture. Avoiding Edward became hard and Christian even harder.

He's gaze was loving and friendly but each time I looked I could only see the hurt he made Oliver go through and just that thought made me divert my path away from his questioning face and more confused face of Emerald.

I ducked around as soon as I felt Edwards presence near me .

And the more I tried to avoid him the more often I saw him .

Like for instance this morning as soon as I entered he was there at the entrance, eyes fixed at the gate waiting for someone and I cursed loudly on how to avoid the confrontation awaiting me early morning.

Annalisa came as a silver lining dragging him away from me somehow and I was so happy and blessed for her to get there at the same moment.

I waited in washroom and left minutes earlier so that I'd be the last one to enter the class and made sure he first to leave .

Oliver was another story he looked as if he was on same mission as me as he was seen avoiding both Edward and Zeenat .

But he had enough and left the school just before lunch quickly apologizing me for it.

I was tempted to leave with him but soon remember how many classes I've already missed where Oliver can afford it , I surely can't .

So giving up the golden opportunity I stayed back giving my best sad look to Oliver which made him chuckle loudly and pinching my cheeks I'm adoration which left me a blushing mess.

I made a beeline to the same rooftop as if it's my save sanctuary to help me hide from all those people I'm avoiding.

I sat at the same place as yesterday.

Eyes closed as I inhaled the few plants giving a safety to the environment.

" Are you done avoiding me ?' ' I felt my breath hitched as I heard those words .

So much for avoiding.

I hastily turn around to see h standing there , hands In Pocket. Legs shifting weights from one leg to another .

His eyes held answers as if he already knows my question.

" Are you ready to be an open ear about my side or are you just gonna judge us ?" Christian's voice held hurt .

It made me feel guilty. He's right why was I avoiding without even listening to him . Who was I to judge them ?

I was no saint ! There has to be a side unknown to Oliver and maybe just maybe .........I can be the thread to tie them all back together.


Thank you


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