cease fire

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Aahna :

The days passed in blurred I got two part time jobs which matched perfectly with my school schedule.  My mother started her job and was coming back sober and happy . She was happy with the settings. My siblings started to adjust as well. It was tough in start to understand most of the accent for my family but they soon got accommodated to it and my father even made some friends here.

Everything was going perfectly until my mother called me saying that she needed me to do a job on her place. Apparently the person who brought us here had organised a party at his place and was low on staff and as it was a party of high class people my mother was terrified of  how would she react if someone talks to her.

I knew her,  she felt humiliated to ask me so.  She wanted to be a model for us someone we look up to but she knew she was failing miserably. But I understood her no matter what. 

So I accepted her request and was now on my job. Behind the bar giving up the made drinks to the people.  It was easy,  no one talked to me and vice versa. I was happy.

" One whiskey on rock. " a guy who looked my aged asked.  He was handsome. Perfect brows , eyes and everything about him was awesome.  He was a guy girls drool over.  He stinks of money.  Everything about him was rich.

I mentally shook my head and held my hand out for the ID proof.  We were given straight order and said that we are not to give alcohol to any teenager even if they use their families name and status.

" What.?" he asked. His voice reeked of boredom.

" Id please, sir.  We are not allowed to give alcohols to any underage person or we'll face the consequences. " I said as politely asked possible.

He merely raised his brows at me and then laughed,  gathering attention from the one surrounding us.  I shifted on my place. I hated the attention,  I felt small compared to all here. The girls were far more polished then me and I looked as a beggar which I'm compared to them.

I was going through because of people not paying attention but now.

" Do you know who you're talking to, princess?  One snap of my finger and your whole family will disappear from the face of map.  No one will know where you disappeared to. Just with a simple this. " saying he snapped his fingers.

I gulped.  I know my place and I was very well aware of it.  I looked over to the man who was helping me,  he had his head bow. Seriously he's the older one.  He should help me out.  I look back to see the guy still staring intently at me.

" I'm sorry sir,  but I can't ignore what I've been told and paid to do. I'll serve you if you've your ID. " I say in a breath.  I was dying inside.

I bit my inside cheeks and figet with my fingers a habit of nervousness.

" Does His Royalty,  the highness. Just got rejected twice by a mere waitress.  She said you no twice.  Prince. " the word was acid from his mouth.

But the word send a jolt of fear in me.  What the hell was I thinking?  Talking to a prince in such manner?  No wonder he was so casual about disappearing me.  Suddenly all I wanted to do was to fall on knees and beg for pardon but the leftover self-respect made it hard to do so.

That voice  belonged to the same guy who I met on that day in cafe.  My fear doubled over.

"You stay out of it,  Heinrich. " the tone cleared the hatred.

" Come on,  how can I stay away from your business?  " his tone was casual and joking but held a serious taunt in it.

I look between both of them and thought it's best if I leave and go back in kitchen to hide myself.

" You stay right there, girl. " I instantly freezed on my spot as a hand curled around mine in a tight grasp.

Turning I see the guy, I mean Prince throwing daggers at me.  Obviously pissed that I degraded him in front of his rival. Fear started to creep inside me.

His hands was getting tighter and tighter. Almost as if it will fall down any moment.

Suddenly another hand stopped his and pulled my hand free from his grasp. But to land into another pair of hands .

" Now, now.  Don't give the onlookers a story to write about. The Prince tormented a poor girl. Doesn't sounds good does it. "

" Neither does Heinrich heir having a sudden interest in saving a poor girl,  now does it. "

I see up,  the guy holding me was pissed and ticked off by his words.

Only if I knew  at the time that I was caught in between a cease fire .


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