My O.C. Page/Info (Part 8)- Dracan Allies

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With all the realms Draco's been to he makes allies that span realities away. Here are some of those allies. (P.S. I'm not giving names cause I want to keep them secret)

The Author: A dog anthro man who's knowledge of the universe exceeds even that of most gods. In Draco's travels the two met and clashed and the doggo single handedly beat the Cybrid dragon. In that moment the two became relative rivals and allies based on common interests. One interest being anthro women the other well saving the omniverse from utter Insanity. Draco doesn't know much about the author but holds him in high respects and swears to become stronger than him one day, though that day isn't happening anytime soon. Especially with his crusader chibi lookalike constantly beating him to a pulp with the mention of lewd things. Also all of the authors friends and allies are stupid strong as well.

The King of Hell Ultima: The king and ruler of hellhounds and hell the small hellhound pup may look non threatening but he's no child to be toyed with. In his travels Draco helped the once prince execute his brother and mother who's idiotic reign would have gotten hell in even worse times. After conquering the throne the two got close as he and well Draco entrusted the hound as he turned him into a Dracan as well as a concubine named Draky.

King is very much part of the Dracan's as he was fascinated by their tech and innovation, which he could use to rule hell more efficiently as Hell Ultima is the controller of all hell's and as such must be the strongest and dole out the most punishment to its sinners. You would think that would make King be some evil tyrant but its quite the opposite really. When not working the Apex Hellhound is very much a cool guy to hang with, and an even better partner and father.

King's family is important to him, made up of two wives one biological daughter and one stepson. Draky and Bat queen are the spouses of the King and as such they both play crucial roles. While the queen runs the more political and less combative side of things, Draky is a military side of Hell, she also did most of the innovations with the Dracan hell tech renovations. The two both care for the king and each other.

The daughter and Princess of hell is a merge between hellhound and Hellbat, and is leader of the cults in other worlds. She runs the cults like a mafia boss and goes by the name Godmother. She also shares a close connection with her adoptive brother Kraken prince. Kraken comes from a world of kids and squids, spying as a Dracan for that world before being adopted by the demon family. He and the princess were inseparable and since they weren't related by blood the two fell for one another. Kraken is the new reaper of hell and lives by his fathers legacy.

The Black Knight: King of all knights in his world, his castle and his rule are eternal. Draco met the man as he fought in a battle against a horde of monsters and the like. The two have a steady friendship and when he offered to give the knight a core he accepted it as did the rest of his subjects, thus making the first of the Dracan Knights. Also one of Draco's soldiers had relations with a knight so formalities were kind of rushed.

The Nexus King: The ruler of all and the one who brings evil of all kinds to its knees. Draco met him during the raids to kill off any twisted evil blood knights. The two became close friends and allies agreeing to un-taint the omniverse of its filth. And though the king was far to prideful to take a core but would take an apprentice. So Draco gave him a swordsman who wished to train harder, thus making a pact.

The Lost Dragon: A child that was hunted from his homeworld but was saved by Draco. The dragon boy's language is rather dated even Draco had difficulty speaking translating it, but when he learned he decided to raise the boy as his own even giving him a core. Fighting is something that gives the child fear but he is skilled. The child through his life has always been timid but he knows he can trust his family to help him in his time of need.

The Trainer (universe hopper): This young man houses the ability to summon familiars through small balls that he deploys. Though be warned he might not be entirely human. The cybrid encountered the boy when he was adventuring to become the best, Draco being himself tried to offer the boy some assistance in the sexual game, but the boy declined as he already had some game. Draco is a bit of an annoyance to the trainer but at the same time the trainer has fun when he's around. He may also posses universe hoping abilities, must look into at a deeper scale later.


A/N: So BetterBeWothIt Chris586 TheBlackWarden Charles-Calvin The_Trainer_6 and WAMred tell me who's who.

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