My O.C. Page/Info (Part 2)- Homeworld/Dracans

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Homeworld/Fortune (see picture above): The home planet of the Dracans its original inhabitants were grey emotionless mechanical creeps with dead eyes who listened to their overlord. Just look at them:

Draco was attacked by one and decided to go after the rest

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Draco was attacked by one and decided to go after the rest. This planet was once racked with partially destroyed/empty buildings and a crude environment that made the planet look dead. After the 'cleansing' the planet started looking better, its greenery and oceans came back and a large number of cities were rebuilt and repaired by a bored Draco.

Animal life on this planet mainly consists of standard the standard lower lifeforms that you normal humans would come across. But be warned certain creatures can fly here that couldn't originally fly before thanks to their cybrid (cyborg hybrid) bodies. Or spit fire, or impale you with their tails, hmm now that I think about it just don't be hostile to the predators or prey of this planet. But they do taste good at least.

Society/Culture: The Dracans are a mostly mercenary/bounty hunter based society, doing odd jobs and the likes for money as well as notoriety. Although there are some Dracans who stay out of this mindset and run the government (which takes on the democratic republic of a certain earth country) as well as become a part of the Dracan army.

Dracan's typically don't wear clothes save for a few but what's really big for them is side weapons. These babies are practically a need for warrior Dracans with defensive weapons and an add on for Dracans with an already potent weapon. Also it is a staple for Dracans culture is WHOLESOMENESS (and sex) and to be loyal to their partner/partners (yup harems are a thing here boys and girls). If one breaks these ideals they could end up dead or worse (so no NTR or your head will be ripped from its lifeless corpse faster than you can say Mississippi Queen).

Religion: A bit of a weird one to some but there's a small cult that devotes themselves to spreading the word of Draco being the true reincarnated god of the universe. This is mostly due to his powers or abilities of gene editing and making the Dracans a thing. Draco mainly ignores them, and often gets the hose on them. Other than that if you believe in it and gather to practice it it's A okay on Fortune, and don't terrorize anyone with those beliefs and you'll be fine as well (long story short one group tried and they got beaten badly).

Dracans (pronounced with a hard a) are an alien race that was created from remnants of a cyber metal race. Their creator Draco 00 made them as a test of his core abilities and continued to create more once he successfully made about a couple of hundred of them. It succeeded, and he began an overhaul of mass production of them causing his population to reach the trillions and beyond.

Body types of Dracans tend to be more on the fit side of things typically a mountain climber swimmer builds, some chubby versions exist but just that. And be warned a Dracan on the thiccer side can do a truckload of damage, that bit of fat is actually pure muscle mass. Dracans are also horny as hell, so much so that they have a literal option to make their sperm/eggs infernal in their internal HUDs. This being said I've been informed that Dracan's are constantly in heat so make of that what you will.

Dracan Overall abilities/traits:

Retractable wings and tail- because of their size a Dracan's wings and tail are able to retract and appear when needed they can be used in space and in the atmosphere. (Tail not available unless you are half dracan (one parent has to have a drop of Dracan blood) to those who aren't, you still get wings)

Possession- An ability that grants a Dracan to remove its core and insert it into an enemies body to control it. (Pure blooded Dracans only)

DNA Manipulation- An ability that a certain amount of Dracans have the capability to give others a core via "love bite" (give them a hickey and a Dracan will be born core in the chest and everything else. Though typically Dracan's can be created without the bite as a core can be outright produced and fused into another lifeforms chest.)

Genderbending- Due to the cores organic gene editing nature of the cores all Dracan's can swap gender instantly, turning male and female on the fly.

Weapon summoning- A standard for all Dracans, typically these weapons cannot be changed out but there are some exceptions. This is typically a main form of offense for a Dracan. As for weapon types it varies from melee, ranged, and defense. Its honestly it's a gamble what you get so hope you're lucky. (And Draco type Dracans cannot change their weapons period)

Powers- Whats this a Dracan can use both an ability and a weapon? Imagine my shock. On a serious note though all Dracan types have a series of abilities ranging from kinesis types to stuff like growing in size, and these are key to innovating fighting styles with weapons.

Regeneration- as long as a Dracan's core is intact he can keep regenerating instantaneously for as long as they want (note: Regeneration does not equate to healing you will simply recover, some Dracan's can heal with regeneration but not all it varies. I'm supposed to state it because someone died and I'm legally obliged to do it).

Organic armor (no clothes)- Though some Dracans wear clothing it's not entirely necessary, due to the fact that all Dracans have retractable genitalia, making them as smooth as a doll. (Humans can't do this sorry)

Techno-organic- Draco much like his creations are cyborg hybrids or cybrid as he calls em. Meaning they have nano tech and all that. So they can hack and access nearly anything as well as generate HUDs on the palms of their hands and other parts where those circular rings are (also in their heads for hands free use). They also have access to their own cyberspace dimension where they can store small objects as well as schematics among other things.

Space fairing: Afraid of losing air? Well don't be Dracan's are able to breathe in space as well as the ocean (but underwater pressure is a bit of a bitch).

(A/N: I cropped those two pics from Pintrest, hope you enjoyed.)

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