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Avenge You

The two individuals sat next to each other, but still there was distance between them. Sōsa knew that this conversation would bring them closer and she hated it. She isn't the type to chat with and then be friends with, she doesn't intend to do any of that.

It could be that she trusts no one, no matter how close she is to someone she chooses to not trust. It might seem as she is cruel and cold but aren't we all? She thinks we all are selfish when it comes to it.

Even the best people that feel sympathy for the grim, are selfish in doing something that will help them in some way. Like a stab in the back.

Killian inhaled the smoke coming from Sōsa's cigarette, he didn't mind even though he hated the smell. He thought for a while about what to ask her, he didn't want to seem as rude or blunt, but then again hasn't Sōsa been careless all this time?

"I don't want to finish my cig without you saying a damn thing" her monotone voice said, Killian quickened his thinking to get a question out of his mouth, he wondered that maybe he should repeat what he told Maindorido.

"I lost my wings during battle...the battle that made us heroes look useless" he finally introduced one of his thoughts, he glared at Sōsa for some kind of response, yet nothing was showing in her face. He continued, "Nova said that meeting you would be good for me...although I'm not seeing any benefits to this..." he moved his stare to look at the environment upon him.

"Nova thinks I can be your mentor of grief..." Sōsa thought out loud, "I don't trust you enough to say all the details but..." Killian felt somehow offended she didn't trust him, she continued speaking "I lost mine when I was 19, we were on a mission...we had to kill powerful drug lord
that conveniently paired up with a group of them as well" she explained.

"I met this guy...he was my partner at the time...he like many others wished for the extermination of The Five, I wasn't aware that he was one of them..." now it looked like the scenery of events bashed through Sōsa's mind.

"I ended up trapped in a room with him...I trusted him entirely, so when I saw him...I felt relief..." she turned off what was left of the cigarette on her hand and continued speaking, "He started babbling about my death...then he..." she took a deep breath, her face was still with no sign of emotion. Her mind disconnected from reality and placed her in the past.

"PLEASE DON'T!" Sōsa begged the tall man, he, unlike her, didn't feel anything but pleasure, he was waiting for this moment, "PLEASE!...PLEASE!" she cried out yelling in pain, for the second time in her life she felt heartbreak go through her entire body, stinging pain going from her shoulders to her hips.

"I love you...please don't do this to me" she sobbed, her head buried on the floor, in a certain position that made her look as if she was praising him, he threw burning flames off his palms and into her back, she screamed in pain.

As the leader she was essential for the five, seeing as she wasn't with the rest, Maindorido used her power to see through the future before this tragedy happened, she saw Sōsa burning in flames. She looked for her.

Sōsa let out screams that wasted her vocal cords, she felt every tissue of her wings spread apart slowly then die. The burning feeling was something she was sure, she would never forget. She begged for help, knowing Maindorido's power she yelled her name, "MAINDORIDO! MAI! HELP ME!"

Finally Maindorido found her, she saw her laying head down, what was left of her wings burning still, then she saw the man responsible for her loss, without thinking twice she raised her gun and shot him three times, one on each shoulder then in his head. He falled back to his death.

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