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Why Did You Do It? + Dolls of The Night

It was starting to be night when they arrived at Quinto's mansion. Killian had welcomed them with a smile, ready to hear their next stories. Maindorido and Mika had stayed behind with him, Sōsa was going for a smoke then to take a shower, she figured it would be better to get dirtier then get all clean.

Jishaku was going to bed, he was exhausted. When he arrived at his room, he cleaned his face with a wet cloth. Then took off his clothes and went to bed.

Sōsa was smoking outside upstairs, the weather had always been cold at night, she could hear the laughter of Mika and Killian from the window kitchen. Although it was getting dark, there was still light in the sky. Pink, orange, blue and purple colors were painted beautifully in the sky.

She sat and pondered at the events of today, those kids were most definitely suspicious. They appeared suddenly just to say their praise? The kids didn't even try to hurt them. They could have been inexperienced to say the least.

Or maybe they were buying time, but for what? For a pink skinned woman to appear and give them a speech? Sōsa knit her eyebrows.

She placed the cigarette in her lips, taking in the smoke, then letting it out. Nothing but the simple yet complicated words replayed in her mind.

Hate, betrayal, hate, betrayal. Hate? Betrayal? Betrayal?!

Her head started to pound, then she heard a line of thin sound going through her left ear then leave behind her. She felt a presence behind her, a cold shiver went through her body, she looked at her cigarette "Am I high?" she asked herself.

Sōsa decided to turn off the cigarette, leaving a small burn on her hand. She didn't wince once. The presence she once felt wasn't gone, as an instinct, she turned to look behind her. No one was there.

"Alright I'm leaving" she slammed her hands on her lap as she stood up and left.


It was night, everyone was already asleep. The only sound that was heard were the chirps of the crickets that hid outside. And Jishaku's rapid breathing from his room.

"Do you feel guilty?" A familiar Voice ran through Jishaku's ears, he shifted in the bed. "Do you miss the taste of my blood?" The voice sounded bored.

A scent of fresh blood invaded Jishaku's nose, the metallic taste came alive in his mouth. "What a tragedy" a blurry image of a boy appeared in his dream, dark blood running through his face like tears.

"That YOU created" the blood flooded the room Jishaku was in, consuming both of them in. Jishaku felt like he was drowning.

"You enjoy killing don't you?" even though the room was flooded, the voice sounded clear "Especially without a reason"

Jishaku bit his tongue unconsciously, "Was it jealousy?" Jishaku began to sob, "Something that never existed" his teeth pressed force against his tongue.

"The guilt will consume you slowly" his dream was quiet, there was no music, no ambient noise, just the voice. "You'll have no room for comfort."

"So why did you do it? Jishaku? WHY DID YOU DO IT?" The once delicate voice turned deep and rough, it yelled at him. Jishaku felt a sharping pain in his jaw.

His eyes shot open, gasping for air, he was sweating. The room was dark, the powerful light of the moon illuminated his bedroom through the window. The window was open, Cold air was coming in. Yet he was hot.

He rubbed the side of his head where his jaw was. His breath was going steady slowly, his cheeks were flushed color pink.

"Just leave me alone" he said while taking breaths "...Shut up and leave me alone" he felt like crying. He stood up and left to go to the bathroom.

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