Chapter four

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We ran behind Flamepaw trying to hurry to the others'. Icedrift urged the ginger she-cat to speed up but anyone could tell she was tired. The moonlight made a path through the forest, the wind fiercely blowing around us. The six of us leaped over a small stream landing on the other side. "How far away is the border??" Beechfur asked.

"A few more moments, I'm afraid." Icedrift practically spat. "If any of those moor cats' have harmed my brother, blood is the only thing that's going to pay!" Tree's passed by quickly and we could hear a cat yowl in pain. We stopped then Flamepaw spoke, "That sounded like Molepaw! Come!" We pushed ourselves to run faster, the battle beginning to be heard the more closer we got.

Nothing was more chilling than hearing the wail from Flamepaw. My blood ran cold and I knew death was happening tonight. Icedrift gave a cry and leaped into the array of bodies below us. Beechfur nodded and we leaped behind her. I noticed Flamepaw still standing in her same spot, practically frozen.

Beepaw and I stayed near one another, ears low and claws' unsheathed while Birdpaw yowled, "OakClan!"

Beechfur claws' were glinting underneath the moonlight and a scent came to me. One I would only hear about in stories. LeafClan

"Look out, mouse-brain!" Birdpaw shouted from my left and a whoosh of air. Many cats' were here on this border-patrol, many cats' I couldn't distinguish.

"It seems OakClan have come to the fight." A high, shrill voice spat. "LeafClan! Kill them all!" A black figure was on top of me after that, claws digging in my shoulder, hot breathe in my face. 'Where is Beepaw??'
I became still as I looked into the cat's green eyes. I became afraid. He bared his teeth and drew closer to my throat, and I sat there waiting, but I didn't feel any sharp teeth.

"Fight back, apprentice!" I scrambled to my paws and didn't question the tom. I clawed the black tom that held me down and he watched our movement.

"Grasspelt, we need help over here!"
The tom in front of us nodded before hissing and jumping away, his black pelt blending well into the night. I didn't waste time and found myself facing one of the apprentices' with Sunstar that day.

She lunged at me, but I was ready. I leaped backwards before pushing myself forward, her claws' meeting my shoulders. I hissed loudly when I hit the ground but one look from her brown gaze and I became embarrassed. I struggled to move and I yowled as loud as I could. "Stop resisting!" She hissed lowly at me. "Your Clan shouldn't have went to MossClan for help." She disgustingly spat.

"You all knew we were going to them for help?! I don't understand..." Nothing more was said as she clawed my shoulders', the battle ringing all around us. A cry shook my pelt, causing it to rise. I knew that cry. Some cat was dead. Then that same high, shrill voice.

"Don't stop, LeafClan! They deserve what's happening to them!" A few yowls of agreement and the taste for battle began to stir again. I shook the apprentice off me and got to my paws. I darted away, coming to Beechfur who stood beside Icedrift and what looked to be like Blizzardstar. Icedrift and Blizzardstar kept MoorClan away as a white she-cat pulled a ginger apprentice away from the battlefield.

"Keep her protected, Yarrowpaw!" Beechfur yelled toward me, his eyes narrowed. I nodded and began to swipe at a golden she-cat. She bared her teeth and I found myself beneath her paws'.
"Yarrowpaw!" Beechfur yowled. "We can't win this battle, Icedrift!"

A grunt from Blizzardstar then a yowl. "Retreat! MossClan and OakClan, retreat!"

"Come on, Yarrowpaw!" Beechfur yowled as he fought the golden she-cat. Once I was free, I began to run, following the scent left by Icedrift.

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