Chapter one

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We peeked through the bush and seen Harebreeze's tail lashing slowly. Embertail and Skypelt murmured to one another as we waited for a MoorClan patrol to come. It was sunhigh, and we were waiting to for MoorClan to tell us if we were going to be allies. Beepaw padded forward eyes darting over the golden brown grass that MoorClan had claimed as their homeland.

Once I made it to Skypelt and Embertail, I heard the last bit of their conversation. "-serves them right." Skypelt spat. "LeafClan is dangerous."

I glanced around seeing anger on my Clanmates faces'. "What happened??"

Embertail looked my way then shook his head. "A battle between LeafClan and SeaClan. A bloody one."

I sighed then stretched, my claws' sliding out my sheathes. "All we ever hear about now is battle's. Then there's the prophecy." I muttered to myself. "How long do we have to wait??"

Skypelt didn't speak as she watched the moorland for a few moments. "If they don't come soon then we're crossing the border."

Beepaw nodded thoughtfully then twitched her ear when Harebreeze padded over. Embertail nodded in his direction and the same was done back. Skypelt began to lick her paw, her dark brown pelt making her look black in the sunlight.

"I'm tired of waiting." Beepaw said then unsheathed her claws' and sheathed them. "What if they don't want to be allies?? Do we start recruiting softpaws'??" She sneered. I purred lowly. Softpaws' was the equivalent to an Loner except they stayed together in the Nofurs' place.

Skypelt laughed then Embertail chuckled. "No, Beepaw." Harebreeze spoke then turned his head. "We're going to protect our borders' from MoorClan and SeaClan. Thank The Ones' we don't have to deal with LeafClan." He spoke, speaking lowly.

"What's so bad about LeafClan??" I questioned. "Aren't they tied up with MoorClan??"

"They know more about them than any of us. They aren't known as watchful for nothing." Embertail said with an ear flick. "That's whyy we're trying to be allies with them, see what they know about these prophecies and what's bad about them?? Since they watch what our Clans' do, they know how we move. We need to be allies with them."

"And if we don't, we'll gladly show them our claws'." Harebreeze spat then glanced over the moorland once more. "We'll cross in a few moments." The conversation died as the breeze drifted farther away from us. Beepaw and Embertail stretched then yawned simultaneously.

"Your bloodline is strong, I see." Skypelt teased her Clanmates, Harebreeze chuckled while Beepaw looked down in embarrassment.

"You look like Yarrowpaw right now, you know," Harebreeze said with thoughtful eyes. "At least your kin is close."

I nodded once then glanced over to Skypelt. She was my kin, I knew, but never questioned her about my bloodline. Dewclaw was my father's mother. "How are you kin to me??" I asked her.

"On your mother's side, I believe. She was kin to my father."

I blinked once as I thought about it. "I miss them." I murmured lowly. Beepaw lowered her head. "I miss my family too." Then she gave me a lick on my head. "Don't dwell on the past too long, Yarrowpaw."

Movement caught my ears and I strained to hear what was coming. Moments later I got my answer as a golden head appeared followed by a white tom and two apprentices'. They must be new. I haven't seen them at the gatherings' yet.

"Sunstar, it's a pleasure to meet you." Harebreeze spoke and I realized this was a meeting. I straightened up, Beepaw doing the same. Skypelt and Embertail collected themselves nodding to the white tom. The two apprentices' stared wide-eyed but I could sense they were watching us.

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