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Yarrowpaw's pov
It was early dawn when we scented them near the border. SeaClan. They've been crossing the border and stealing prey from our Clan for three moons' now. Lichenstar flicked her tail-tip twice, an order to fan out. Harebreeze, our deputy, turned to look back at our patrol assembled. "Do not cross the border." He growled lowly. "SeaClan already wants to start a war. Now do as Lichenstar says." Then he nodded and his apprentice, Beepaw, a ginger she-cat, grunted before leaping behind her mentor.

Birdpaw, Lichenstar's apprentice, padded over to her and listened to what she began to say to her. I looked over to Skypelt, my mentor and she beckoned me over to the border. "What do you smell??" She prompted. "Inhale deeply and remember that scent, Yarrowpaw." I nodded and then did as she said, smelling salt, fish and sweet smell.

"I smell enemies." I replied with narrowed eyes. She began to purr then began to mark the border, "You're turning out well since this is your second border patrol." She complimented me. I shook her praise off and began to help mark the border.

"SeaClan is still around." Birdpaw spoke from behind us and we turned to see her with her claws' unsheathed. "Lichenstar said three to a group, she's over with Harebreeze following a scent trail."

Skypelt nodded quickly before following our leader's scent. Birdpaw and I ran behind the dark brown she-cat through the forest, the tree's becoming familiar. It was beautiful in Leaf-fall but that meant less prey. Birdpaw's jumped over a root, her gray pelt a blur underneath the sunlight that shone through the tree's.

SeaClan has been starting many things for the past three moons'. They know many things that our Clan don't. They're secretive as they are the closest to our warriors ancestors called The Ones'. We border SeaClan to our west with MoorClan on our east. They're watchful but swift as they should be since they live on the moor's. We are close to being allies with them. My train of thoughts broke when Skypelt stopped and I seen a small patrol across the stream that was another part of our border with SeaClan. Lichenstar sat still but her tail-tip twitched violently behind her.

A golden brown tom sat on the other side, nonchalantly washing his pelt. Other cats' moved behind him as they marked their side of the border. Treefang, the golden brown tom, was SeaClan's deputy. I don't know much about him but I heard the stories from my Clanmates that he was a great warrior. He's also kin to his leader, Vinestar. We began to move over to our Clanmates and Harebreeze and Beepaw came from the bramble's. "Everything's secured, Lichenstar." I heard him report, his claws too unsheathed.

A head nod then she directed her words to the deputy. "Tell Vinestar to keep her warriors' on her side of the border!" She spat.

"They never cared about the warrior codex anyway!" Birdpaw agreed. She's the oldest apprentice, almost ready to be a warrior. She seemed so confident saying that out loud.

I felt Skypelt breath on my ear, "If it comes to a fight, stay close to me and use those moves we worked on." I nodded and unsheathed my claws'. Swipe, swipe, jump, leap and use my weight to bring them to the ground." I repeated it a few more times as I watched the SeaClan patrol. Treefang still washed his pelt, sunlight warming that side of the stream. The leaves created coolness from the sun on our territory. A black she-cat padded over to Treefang and he lifted his head and nodded once. "So what if we crossed the border?? Nightfire tells me that we caught scent of OakClan on our territory the other night or is she lying??"

I glanced over to Beepaw, her eyes narrowing even harsher than before. "Yes, she's lying!" Birdpaw hissed. Lichenstar didn't try to silence her, letting her speak. "You've all been stealing prey from us and crossing the border!"

"My nose never lies, kit! I smelled OakClan." Nightfire retorted then her claws' unsheathed. A crow's cry filled the air, filling the air with stillness, the tension easing slightly. "Maybe we should head back to camp." Nightfire mewed uncomfortably. Her eyes said otherwise though.

"It sure was OakClan alright. Whoever it was didn't try to hide their scent." Turtlejaw, a cream colored tom, another warrior on their patrol spoke when he came over. "Smelling like damp dirt and musky wood."

Nightfire stifled laughter but a grin was seen on her face. Harebreeze and Lichenstar began to growl lowly and Skypelt and I began to creep forward until we were beside our leader and deputy. "She's the one who put Dewclaw in the elder's den!" I whispered fiercely to Skypelt who looked at me before glancing to the black she-cat.

Dewclaw was my kin. On my first border patrol, we encountered SeaClan. It was Harebreeze, Beechfur, Dewclaw, Beepaw, and I. We were ambushed but I recognized the she-cat who struck my kin and placed her in the elder's den. "Indeed it is." Skypelt murmured.

Gourdpaw, a brown and black tom, appeared from further downstream, a red-bellied salmon in his jaws. That was was like a sacred symbol to SeaClan although most cats' don't know whyy. "Look what I caught, Turtlejaw!" He mewed excitedly. The tom was always cheerful. "It was just floating atop the stream waiting for my paws! This will feed Harespring and Kai's kits' greatly."

"Great catch, Gourdpaw!" Treefang complimented the apprentice who ears folded back in surprise. Treefang chuckled as he watched us. Birdpaw hissed lowly but said nothing. "Is the border marked??" Their deputy asked with a flick of his ears. Turtlejaw and Nightfire both nodded then gave us one last look before turning to head deeper in their territory. "Lichenstar, I will deliver your message to Vinestar." Treefang spoke then he turned and he went behind his patrol.

Birdpaw turned her and glared at her leader. "They know what they did! Accusing us of being on their territory, the nerve of those SeaClan crow-food!"

I laughed slightly. Birdpaw showed much loyalty to our Clan. OakClan has been here since the beginning like the other Clans' but our Clan is made of different cats' from the other Clans'. We're all half-breeds.

"At least they didn't attack like last time." Harebreeze sneered. "It's best if we double patrols this way, Lichenstar."

Our leader's light blue eyes met ours for a moment then she nodded thoughtfully. She was young but the stress of looking after the Clan was starting to show on her face. "Let's finish marking the border and we'll decide what to do at camp."

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