Its My Turn, Isn't It?

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I know this is probably really over done by now but I figured why not?

The sound of rushing water surrounded him, blocking every other noise from the rest of the bridge. Well, almost every other noise. One does not forget the sound of an angel’s wings. He felt the air shift slightly as the celestial being grew closer.

“Hello, Dean.”

He smiled and turned around slowly.

Green eyes gazed upon the familiar trenchcoat, nicely accented with a deep blue tie. But nothing could compare to those eyes. The eyes that held ancient knowledge, eyes that held great kindness and unconditional love.

Love for him.

“Hey, Cas.”

“I didn’t expect to see you here so soon.”

He chuckled at that, glancing at the ground.

“Yeah, neither did I.”

A comfortable silence passed, a familiar setting for the both of them.

“Thanks for bringing Baby up here, it wouldn’t have been the same without her...Or you.”

The small smile that had previously been on the angel’s lips grew.

“I’m sorry, Cas.”

Cue the head tilt.

“For what?”

“Well for one, you saved my ass, let’s see-a week ago? And now I’m here, even though you sacrificed yourself for me.”

“Dean that wasn’t-”

“And then when you did, I didn’t say it back. I had more than enough time to, I had the most perfect pause in the history of pauses where I could have told you. But I didn’t. I’m so fucking sorry, Castiel.”

He walked up to the angel with tears in his eyes, hands shakely coming up from his sides to cup stubbled cheeks.

“I love you, so much.”

Their lips collided, and Dean swore he felt feathers brush against his shoulder as Castiel kissed back.

Sorry it's really shot and crappy, I just wanted to get something out.

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