Watch Your Step, it's a Long Way Down

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Swearing, mentions of torture, Hell, BAMF!Cas

Light flared from the opening door, momentarily blinding Dean as his eyes adjusted. As he rapidly blinked, a voice spoke from the doorway.

"Wake up Dean, I have something to show you..." Alistair.

It was time, wasn't it? Time to pay for his time off the hook yet again?

Dean slowly raised his head to meet those of the demon and raised his shackled hands.

He knew how this worked.

First, he would be dragged through the halls by Alistair, then once they arrived, he would receive several lashes until the demon thought he was ready to tear apart the poor bastard that had been chosen.

Today would be no different. He would rip a man to shreds and he would enjoy it. He would fucking enjoy it.

Dean had given up denying it. He loved every second of his little torture sessions. He was well aware of how morbid it was but he couldn't shake the wonderful feeling of making some sorry son of a bitch pay for whatever they had done to get themselves down here.

"Not today, pretty boy. Today, you get to do somethin' special." Alistair broke through his thoughts, surprising him for the first time in a long while as he felt his chains break and his arms and legs feel the freedom of movement.

"Now get up. We don't have a whole lotta' time..." This made Dean pause.

Something was off in the demon's tone. Something about it made him sound... worried...

"Dean Winchester get off your ass and get over here." In all his years in Hell, he hadn't been called by his full name. He would be lying if that wasn't enough to get him up on his feet in half a second.

"Good, now get in front of me and start walking."

Dean did so, not bothering to run because he knew it wouldn't do him any good. He didn't know the way out and before he would have any chance at finding it, Alistair would just appear in front of him and slam him back into the vines of chains and shackles.

As they walked through the halls, Dean noticed something was very different.

High pitched screeching accompanied by deep roaring and the clang of metal were now the soundtrack of Hell, each noise bouncing off the walls and echoing.

The halls were empty and the outstretched arms from the barred cells were retracted. No demons were patrolling, even the flames from the hanging torches seemed more still than usual.

Something was in Hell, and nothing seemed to like it.

Eventually, the two of them came to a halt and were met by a tall door with hundreds of locks coating it and the wall to the right of it, all of which were unlocked.

Alistair grasped the oddly normal handle of the door and carefully swung it open to reveal an endless drop down into a heat storm, lightning flashing through the endless mass of clouds. Chains ran from unseeable loops to wrap into a messy spider web of metal, a select few dangling in what seemed to be the center of the space, meat hooks hanging from the end of each one.

Dean almost immediately recognized it. It was the room that he was originally imprisoned in.

This was his cell.

"Remember this place, Dean? This is the place where I would break you down then build you back up only to do it all again." Alistair spoke from behind him, his foul voice sounding distant.

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