Barely an Angel

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BAMF!Cas, torture, blood

Someone took Dean and the angel is PISSED.

A week.

He had been missing for a week.

Every minute spent searching for any sign of him, following any and every lead that revealed itself.

And it all led up to this.

"Where is he?"

The demon smirked up at Sam, it's inky eyes flicking up.

"You're running out of ideas, aren't you Winchester? Out of scents to sniff, out of tracks to trace."

A splash of holy water and it's taunting turned into screaming.

"Where. Is. He."

The demon growled and violently shook its head, water flying to the ground.

"Maybe he's on vacation, I heard Up Your Ass was nice this time of year."

The younger Winchester huffed and flung more water at the demon, emptying the flask.

"All you had to do was tell me where he was, then I would have ended it. Quick and clean." He set the silver flask on the table of tools resting outside of the demon's reach.

"You were the good cop? How cute. Gonna send in the professionals to finish the job?" It teased, curling its voice like it was talking to a puppy.

"Finish isn't the word I would use."

Footfalls were heard outside the door to the dungeon and the demon's gaze flicking to it.

"No, wait-" Its fear began to grow more prominent, any confidence lost.

"I'm not alone in this. I'm surpriesed you forgot about him." Sam turned towards the door.

"No, please!"

"Buddy, you had your chance." He hollered over his shoulder and he strode to the door.

It opened with a slight creak and rage in a trench coat stepped through. Pure celestial fury, barely contained in its vessel. The moment it had opened the door, anyone would feel the power swell and immediately be terrified

Castiel bore his eyes directly at the demon, unblinking. He soon met Sam's gaze, who nodded before stepping out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Vivid blue eyes peered back at the abomination in the chair before the angel moved forward, the sound of the door locking echoing in the tense silence.

Armies of demons would flee at that look.

That look of promise and hatred.

When it finally made its way across the room, the demon was shaking, knowing there was no way in hell that he was getting out of this one.

Two hands fell onto the arms of the chair, the wood creaking under the tight grip.

Then it finally spoke, its voice rough and low.

"Where is he?"

"I can't-"

Castiel grabbed the angel blade resting on the tray and jabbed it into the demon's shoulder, causing it to screech in pain.

"Where. Is. He."

"He won't just kill me, you don't understand-"

The blade was twisted and accompanied by a yell.

"Whatever 'he' has threatened to do will never amount to how painful I will make this if you don't answer me. There are not many methods of torture that I am not experienced with. I have seen centuries of life and death. Do not think that I won't make one hour feel like billions."

The angel stood up and walked back a step, shrugging off his coat before hanging it on the edge of a shelf.

"Now," He reached for Ruby's blade and held it against the demon's cheek.

"Where is Dean Winchester?"

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