To My Angel of the Lord

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Valentines Day, established Destiel, fluff levels at maximum

"Sammy, I need your help." Dean called as he strolled into the library of the bunker.

Sam, obviously taken back, took a second to respond.

"Um... ok? What's going on?"

"You know you've always been the one who was more experienced with long-term relationships, right?" He surprisingly shyly stated.

"Yeah?" Sam answered uncertainly. "Why are you asking me this?"

Dean paused, like he wasn't entirely sure himself but then realization decided to pay the younger Winchester a visit and he smirked once the thought had fully formed within his brain.

"You're telling me you like Cas."

"What, no no I-"

"Dude come on, you two stare at each other every five seconds that you're in the same room and you CANNOT tell me that there has been no sexual tension, I mean cOmE oN!" Sam ranted, flailing his arms slightly.

Dean just kinda stood there with this dumbfounded look on his face that Sam almost laughed at.

"So you're telling him today, right?"

"Well, I-he-yeah." His older brother let out a defeated sigh.

"Okay, so what's stopping you?"

"You promise not to tell anyone about this. No one."

Sam sighed, knowing that his brother would forever stand by his 'no-chick-flick-moments'.

"Yeah, yeah just tell me."

"Fine. I, don't know how to tell him." Dean huffed out as he slumped into one of the chairs across from Sam.

"That's it?"

"I don't want to do it like everybody else does it like, taking him to a park or some fancy restaurant. I want to do something different for him." He explained.

"Well, you could give him something. I know that's a pretty cliche but Cas is kinda new to the whole concept of holidays so this would be a good starting point."

"Yeah, wait! I got it!" He then sprung out of his chair and ran towards the garage.

A few moments later Dean returned with the biggest grin Sam had seen in a while, and in his hand what looked to be a mixtape with 'For Cas' written on the front.



"How long have you had that?"

"Doesn't matter, I need to go find find my tape player." He defended and practically jogged to his room.

And with that, he was gone and Sam was once again alone.

That worked better than I thought it would.

-Time Skip-

They were all sitting in the library, Dean sitting across from Cas and Cas was sitting a few chairs away from Sam.

Cas had come a little while ago saying that he had finished the case he had found and returned at Sam's request.

Now both he and Dean were simply reading when Sam closed his own book and stood from his seat.

"I need to go to the store to grab some more supplies, you guys need anything?"

Dean replied with a quick request for pie, Cas declining before they both returned their attention to their own books. Sam sighed and grabbed the keys to the Winchester's secondary car and drove out of the bunker.

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