part two

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after mine and anakins 'encounter', my cheeks were hot to the touch. i made my way to a mirror to see the flush of my cheeks, i was bright red.

as i faced away from the mirror, sheer embarrassment consuming me, i heard loud footsteps making their way to the room we had been training in, the room i am CURRENTLY in.

with this, loud thuds on the door followed. "aria, open the door." i didn't recognise their voice, but i'm sure it was a man. "i'm coming." i called out.

"hello there." i opened the door and gasped audibly. standing there was my master, obi wan kenobi. why was he here?

"aria, we need to talk." this isn't good. "yes master, what about?" he lightly took my arm and guided me out the door, his hand resting on my back.

"aria, i can not stay for long. but there is something that is very important and i wanted to inform you in person." he stopped me in the corridor. his hand now on my shoulder, then to his side.

"what is it master?" i felt all the emotions you could possibly feel, i was eager for the news.

"anakin is going to be training you for quite a while. permanently, in fact. chancellor palpatine sees it fit that you are guarded throughout the day and night, seeing as you are very important to the future of the jedi order. and with me being gone, it is hard for me to assist you." my heart sunk to the floor.

"i am, shocked to say the least. i don't know what to say." i hugged him tight, confused as to whether i should be sad, or delighted.

"you should know that anakin is a very fine jedi, and you can trust him with your life. he is my brother." he smiled reassuringly. "you are still my padawan, he'll just be your, guide, while i am gone."

i nodded my head, still speechless. scared of that fact that we may have this type of encounter again.

"i will be leaving now, be safe young one. don't underestimate anakin, he will be there for you much more than i've been." he gripped my hands, and kissed them gently, leaving swiftly and promptly from my view. leaving me stranded with the news, in the middle of the corridor.

"how are you feeling about the news huh." anakin was stood there, leaning on the wall. smirking too.

"what did you say to palpatine." i knew that he was close to the chancellor, he must have said something.

"i said nothing to the chancellor. obi wan is a brother to me. i wouldn't want to take his padawan from him." his eyes were empty, everything that came out of his mouth seemed as if it was pure sarcasm.

"you didn't take me away from him, i'm still his padawan, you're merely a guide." i crossed my arms and went to walk away.

"hey! hey! don't start false rumours aria. i never said a word to the chancellor, or obi wan. they're looking out for you. and yeah, that's all i'm here for, so don't get any ideas." i couldn't believe him, he acted this way for no reason, stubborn asshole.

"watch it with the comments aria, i can read your thoughts." he reminded me. i never had a chance to speak, he spoke for me.

"can i speak now?" i asked him, crossing my arms.

"i don't know, can you?" he asked back, walking past me, bumping into my shoulder.

"where are you going now?" i asked him again, frustrated.

"come with me and find out." he turned around, gesturing for me to follow him.

"i hope you aren't taking me to your torture chamber." i joked, jogging after him.

"if you want me to take you there, all you have to do is ask." he said blankly, facing forwards.

"seriously?" i looked up at him, frowning.

he shook his head, laughing gently."you're easy to convince, you should work on that."

"i'm slow with these things. obi wan was never as sarcastic as you." i shrugged my shoulders. laughing.

"don't worry i'm not that boring aria. i'm sure you caught a glimpse of what our training would be like from earlier." he turned to me laughing, pointing at my lightsaber.

"you really are an asshole aren't you." i shook my head, laughing in disbelief. "you know what i can't be bothered with this-" he grabbed my arm.

"we're here." he turned my head to face the view, i'd never seen coruscant like this. the city was beautiful.

"pretty nice huh." he walked forward, leaning on the balcony.

"very." i was gobsmacked by the view and completely forgot about anakins snarky comments.

"you're 'gobsmacked'?" he laughed, holding his chest. he was clearly enjoying being able to read my thoughts.

"oh my can you stop with that!" i smacked his hand, a small grin forming on my face. was i finding him funny? seriously aria.

"it's just that i like your use of... words? they make me laugh." he looked to me, feeling sorry.

"because i speak formal? surely i mirror obi wan." i smiled, shaking my head, looking out onto the city.

"in the way you speak? yes." he agreed. looking deeply into my eyes. "you're just you, i like that about you aria. i've never met a girl like you before." his eyes sparkled, and his grin made my cheeks flustered.

"there you go again." he shook his head laughing. i felt my cheeks as they heated up again.

"please stop with the flirting anakin, it's awkward and intimidating!"

"i'm sorry i'll stop, i know i make you feel 'that' way." he emphasised his sentence, smirking. his eyes looking up and down my body. i felt vulnerable, in the best way.

"you don't make me feel any way." i frowned, knowing that i just lied.

"you're never going to learn are you aria." his grin, turned into a small smile. biting his bottom lip, his eyes lowering once again. "stop with the lies, i can see right through you." he shrugged, walking away.

"i'm sorry anakin, i just find it hard to be straight with you. when you make me feel, shy?"

"that's what they all say." he joked, looking back at me, grinning.

"you're an ass."i turned away, trying to conceal my jealousy.

"i was kidding aria. i'm a jedi. attachments aren't allowed according to the council." he sighed, looking at his feet.

"and the same goes for you, so don't go catching feelings for me." he shrugged his shoulders, backing away.

i laughed, shaking my head. and he smiled back.

after this i became shy, i was silent, still thinking about the way he was making me feel. comforted.

he broke the silence.

"well. that's all i needed. i'll see you tomorrow morning bright and early aria." his robes trailed behind him as he spun to exit the balcony.

what have i gotten myself into.

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