part twenty-eight

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the ride to dathomir was an awkward one. the only conversation flowing was small talk between the group, except obi wan. who stayed silent, and focused on the task ahead.

"so - what was your plan?" rex began, stepping in front of me folding his arms.

"we didn't really have one." i shrugged, leaning my head back.

"no plan at all? that's very unlike anakin."

"well - we promised each other safety regarding the whole 'dark side' situation, and made a pact to stay away for the benefit of all of you, and ourselves."

"and you decided that without a simple goodbye?"

"i'm sorry, it won't happen again."

"please don't leave again - we all missed you both dearly." padme chimed in, biting her cheek.

"we could've found you both found an easier way out of this mess."

"you heard obi wan and the council - we can't be near each other. let alone be with each other."

everyone went silent.

"we're here." din called out, "get ready for descent."

i fondled around my belt to try and find my lightsaber, but i had forgotten, maul has it.

"obi wan. do you have a lightsaber i could borrow?" i laughed shyly, hoping he would.

"did maul take anakin's ship with him?"

"i have no idea."

"well - if he did, we'll head inside and grab your new one."

"you got me a new one?" i stuttered.

"yes - i was going to give it to you, but you had already left."

"i- i'm so sorry."

"do you realise how much it hurt my heart when you broke your comlink?"

"i- i wasn't thinking straight."

he stood silently, and it seemed as if he could cry at any moment.

"you know, if satine had said the word - i would've left the jedi order."

"you loved her didn't you."

"with my whole soul."

i embraced him tightly in reaction to his statement, my heart breaking along with his. satine was an angel, and it hurt me to hear how much she meant to him.

"it's crazy what we would do for love - but please - let us help. even if what i told you back on alderaan made all hope seem to disappear, i promise you we'll - we'll try our best to find a way."

"thank you obi wan. you don't know how much it means to me." i mumbled into his shoulder, as he wiped away my tears with his thumbs.

"right- let's put our brave faces on now my dear."

i nodded, gathering my composure and leaving the cockpit, my hand in obi wan's. i was very grateful to have my father figure back in my life, fighting on my side.

"you guys ready?" cal gleamed, igniting his lightsaber.

"more than ever." we nodded.

"i know the ins and outs of this place. rest assured that i'll help you out when it comes to a map." he laughed, walking ahead, confidence in his step.

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