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In the middle of the week, possibly Wednesday, I find myself thinking sharper than usual. Not by a whole lot but I miraculously didn't get lost when I went to use the bathroom. The bathrooms are close to Mr. Franceschi's Office.

It morning and I haven't ate breakfast yet so instead of waiting for him to come get me I decided to make my way to his office. I walk slowly so I can think to myself before he's around.

The past... Few days? Well, recently I've been trusting Mr. Franceschi. I try to tell myself he's bad but the man literally buys me food, coffee, and is overall nice to me. Nobody has ever faked this level of niceness to me so it seems unlikely that he is.

For who knows how long: I've been alone. Alone in my thoughts and in my room. Now I actually have something to think about. I can't tell him what I'm thinking but when he does understand something, even if it's just a nod or shake of my head, I feel joyful.

I like his company...

When I get to his office door I don't hesitate on opening the door. It's always open so I've never knocked and I'm not starting now. The door opens and behind his desk, Mr. Franceschi looks startled. He quickly does something under the desk with his hands and then clears his throat.

He straightens his clothes and breathes out deeply. "You surprised me!?" He says laughing a little and over all acting strange. Is this a bad time?

"Come sit, I was just about to get you after i- uh- drank this," he says spotting his coffee and bringing it to his lips. He sips some of it to prove a point or something.

I go to the seat by the coffee table and sit. I don't want to sit by his desk. He's now behind me and so I begin to think to myself.

I don't think he was ready for me to walk in so it proves my point a little, he could have gotten mad at me but he didn't. After a moment the man comes over giving me food and coffee and then takes a seat across from me like usual.

"So I know that you don't like it when I ask questions but I'm going to ask anyways. Please respond this time... I know you might not understand everything I say but I need to see what kind of education you have," he tells me.

I open the strange container to the food and am surprised to see it's hot pancakes with bacon. It looks super good. My mouth begins to water and I look up at him to see he has no food. He usually eats with me?

"I hope you like it, I made breakfast before I left and thought you might prefer it over something from McDonald's," he says. He must have already ate. I start eating and somehow it's even better than it looks.

He's a very good cook.

If I could complement him or thank him, I would.

"Do you like it?" He asks and I nod dramatically so he sees that I really do like it. He smiles and watches me for a second but then turns his attention to getting something.

I look back at my food as I eat and also drink some of the coffee. I didn't take my medicine today and I think it's the reason I feel more awake. The AADD pills make me tired and no think so much and that can be good but since I was sick and in bed for so long I'm ready to move.

Last time I stopped taking my medicine I started to get upset and mad frequently so it's not a good idea for me to do this but I just want to be able to think correctly.

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