
59 11 22

Oliver's pov

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Oliver," Mr. Franceschi closes his rambling off with telling me goodnight. Whenever we part he always tells me what we are going to do next and I think it's nice of him to take his time and do that for me. He genuinely wants to help me...

I've never had someone care so much about my education and it's a nice change. In the beginning, I thought he was one hundred percent bad but now I've fallen into his trap and I think I truly believe he is a good guy. I thought it would take a lot for me to trust someone but he's just showed me kindness and I trust him now.

He is by the door and ready to go home, I've learned that he goes home when the two clock hands both point at the top number. It's very close to that time now.

Without thinking I get up while looking at him so he knows not to leave just yet. He looks at me, wondering what i'm doing. I'm giving him a hug... I thought it through all day today and I want to hug him goodbye.

My soundless steps bring me closer to him. I don't want to make this too weird so I stop right in front of him and open my arms. This way he has the choice to hug me or not.

Josh's eyes widen just a little bit and then a soft smile warms his face. He accepts the hug by hugging me first. I hug back and breath him in silently. He smells so nice. His strong arms around me give me nothing but comfort and a sense of happiness.

He feels like what I imagine home to feel like after a long day away. Nice and peaceful.

Of course I don't actually know what home feels like, it's just what I picture in my head when i'm all alone. I wonder if this is the closest I'll ever be to being home...?

I hope not, this isn't going to last forever and it's not mine. I can't be with Mr. Franceschi forever or even when I want. It's not like he's my boyfriend or anything. He's just doing his job. He does his job well but that's not what I'm getting upset over.

I'm upset that I'll never be loved, I'll never have anyone to love either.

In a few seconds when we separate I'll be left alone, in this cold dark room. The lights are still on but he turns it off when he leaves. I don't want him to leave.

I don't want to let go...

Hot tears roll down my cheeks but I refuse to let Josh realize this. If he sees me crying he'll get worried or something and I can't explain why I'm crying.

My plan to hide the fact I'm crying is ruined when a soft sob escapes my throat. This alerts him and his hug softens making me think he's letting go but I'm proven wrong when he hug tightens and he leans more into it.

"Sweetheart, please don't cry. Everything is going to be alright, you just have to get through the hard times," he tells me not breaking the hug.

His sweet words just make me break down more. I just want this warm hug to last forever. Josh tries his best to hug the sadness out of me but my mind is in a dark place. I know he'll leave me...

I'm just a job to him.

He holds me at arms length and looks over my wet face. "Can you try to tell me why you are upset?" He asks as he gently wipes my tears away. He has been teaching me the alphabet in sign language but spelling is way to hard so it's no use to me.

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