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Lmao I have something so planned out, I even wrote the scene already because im so excited for it but it's okay, you have a few more chapters.

;) enjoy while you can

Oli's pov

Rain wakes me up just enough for me to be conscious to the feeling of something press against my thigh. My eyes open, immediately knowing what it is.

Josh's sleeping face looks so innocent and peaceful but when I look down I can only guess his dreams aren't innocent. I bite my tongue and contemplate on what I should do. This man's hard cock is preventing me from thinking straight.

His hot breath on my neck doesn't help. A blush heats up my face and I feel myself getting excited. Oh no, this is going to be so embarrassing if he wakes up.

Thunder rumbles and just like that, he's awake. His tired eyes open and he smiles at me a little before snuggling his face into my neck. Then I feel his whole body tense. He pulls away and looks down at his budge and then mine.

He looks at me and I die of embarrassment. "I would say sorry but it looks like you enjoyed having me pressed against you," he says in a deep sleepy voice. His smirk brings butterflies to my chest.

His warm hand trails down my side sending shives up my spine. His hand stops at my thigh and he grabs my thigh and pulls me closer so his budge presses against me. "No- I'm sorry-" he starts getting out of bed quickly. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that, or said that- I'm going to make breakfast. Come down stairs when your ready," he says seeming to have regret holding me like that.

Josh leaves the room hastily leaving me alone in his big bed. His bed is so comfortable compared to my bed.

I feel let down but I think he wants me, he just has this thought in his head that he's strictly here to help me, professionally. If I think more of it as him trying to be a good person instead of being rejected, it's less upsetting.

I get out of the warm bed and leave his room and follow the hallway to the stairs. When I go down the steps I find the kitchen and see Josh already cooking. I get on the counter and flinch a little because the cold, black granite touches my bare thighs.

Josh looks at me and smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes. I wish I could explain that I'm aware of what's happening and can make my own decisions. I am in a home for the disabled and mentally retareded people- of course it has a better name but I don't remember what its called. I'll I know is it's a place for people that can't function on their own.

I don't think I should be there. Obviously I can't be alone but if honestly rather live alone and die a month later because I slipped and hit my head as I was trying to get out the bath, then stay locked up forever.f

In my head I've named the place im staying at 'purgatory'. That's what it is for me, just a place i'm staying at before I go to heaven or hell. That is if heaven is real.

If I could talk i'd tell josh that I'm not stupid, I can't comprehend stuff at times but I know what I want in life. I want to live with a guy that loves me and for us to do fun things together daily. Go on dates and just... Enjoy life.

We'll run away, I have some money saved up... We could finally just... Enjoy life

My hands go to the sides of my head and massage my temples. That's not supposed to be in my head. That wasn't my thoughts.

But what about tom?


I frown not understand what my brain is telling me. "Does your head still hurt?" Josh asks as he feels my cheek with the back of his hand. "You're a bit warm but hopefully not a fever," he says.

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