Chapter 19

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In light of his recent discovery, Gio became religious and spiritual. He started by going to the bookstore and reading everything there was about the sun goddess, but scripture was few on the subject.

All he would do was read all day. He would even forget to eat a lot of times, which was good, because his weight was starting to get out of control. As his appetite shrunk, his knowledge increased.

Weeks would go by, and he wasn't even thinking about playing anymore. He felt more and more strongly about creating a positive deal with Viche. He already had a pretty good deal, but he really wanted to set his family up, but he had no clue how to find Viche.

After his next game— that he won man of the match, he was sitting in the press conference box after the game and answering questions. One of the reports asked, "having won your second man of the match award, where do you think you will go next? Will we see the highly anticipated first goal from you?"

Then Gio took a deep breath and dropped an absolute bomb, "at the end of the season, I will be retiring. I do not know if the future holds a professional goal for me. I do not aim to score, I aim to win. I could have a million goals on the worst team, but I'd still be happier with zero on a team that was winning. It's about the result for me, not the showmanship."

The journalist all started yelling questions at Gio about his shock retirement, but it was something he felt he had to do. Viche happened to be watching the press conference and wished to speak Giovanni now. He knew he would be having thoughts on his payment from the Triwizards. It was a lot of money and a lot of spice.

Viche would send Adelaide to collect Gio a few days after the press conference. She showed up to his work and waited for him to finish training. As he walked by her, he knew she looked familiar for some reason. It was her face that ended the undead rising. It was her who defeated magic. But Gio didn't remember why he knew her gorgeous face.

"Come with me," she said as he was about to walk past her to the teleportation pod.

"Did Viche send you?" Gio enquired as he slowed his rapid pace.

"Yes," she admitted, "you are not in trouble. He actually wants to thank you for being even more obedient with the plan."

"I needed his audience. I have something very important to discuss with him. Who are you? Why do I feel like I know you?"

She shyly turned away, "you do not know me."

"No," he said as stared, "I've seen you somewhere. Maybe on a movie, or in a book."

"I was once the face of the rebellion," she admitted, "but now, I am nothing. I have been reduced to a figurehead by Viche, and it's what I deserve for what I did."

"What did you do?"

"We must not talk about it!" she angrily huffed, "we must go to him. He is the one who controls all now."

"What of the gods?" Gio quizzed.

"They are dead now. Magic tied them to these lands. They are but mortal legends to be forgotten."

"People yet pray to them," Gio argued, unsure of whether or not he should share that he knows at least the sun goddess lives on in spirit.

"They. Are. Dead!" Adelaide grunted while adjusted her stylish ring.

"Okay, okay," Gio backed off, "they're dead."

"We need to go now," she said as she turned and swiftly walked towards the teleportation pods only a few hundred yards away.

Gio quickly followed her. He knew she meant no harm, he knew she wasn't lying about Viche's purpose for the meeting, and he had been wanting to speak to Viche, so it all seemed like a win.

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