Chapter 23

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"Gio!" Kat yelled. She knew this was finally the moment. She knew nothing could be done for him any longer. His clunky breaths that were typically audible in his sleep were no more.

His mother rushed over and started trying to restart his heart. Her attempts were feeble, he was finally gone. Emile and Kat consoled each other. They wouldn't have been able to do it alone.

Then, Gio opened his eyes. He didn't know where he was. He was in a large meadow full of colorful flowers. His legs, now strong as ever had him running, galloping towards a stream where he would meet the sun goddess.

Her beauty was unmatched. Like all gods, she was very easy on the eyes. She made him come closer and closer until they were arm-lengths away. Gio reached out and so did she. Then, Gio knew everything. And he knew he'd made it further than any Wetebo person had ever dared. He knew he was to be reborn into some child who had been in a coma for a very long time. He would have all of his memories and thoughts, but none of the resources. He was to be born into a poor family.

Meanwhile, Kat was punching and screaming at Gio, "too soon," and "we were supposed to be married," and "I don't want your money. Take it back, I want you." Then she kissed his lips, and Giovanni Jurgen was reborn Seamus Dollop.

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