The Wish

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It was time. Gabriel stood facing the coffin conserving his beloved wife who would soon be revived.

Taking his hand out of his pocket, he gripped the miraculous of the ladybug and the black cat. He smiled maliciously as Plagg and the Tikki appeared in-front of him.

"Give us back, hawkmoth!"

"Silence you stupid kwami," he yelled. Both the kwamis retreated backwards, into the shadows, hiding.

"Tell me how to make the wish, now." he continued to yell

Tikki was shaking but Plagg was not fazed by the grumpy old man.

He cheekily replied "why would we tell you?"

Gabriel was fuming. He stormed towards the kwami,  yelling a few not so nice words. 

"Alright!" Plagg had tears in his eyes "Put on both of the miraculous and say 'with the power of the miraculous, I wish' and then say your wish"

Gabriel rolled his eyes. How could something so small be yet so annoying. How did Adrien cope?

"But remember there's a horrible price to pa-"

Gabriel held his finger infront of the kwamis mouth, immediately he stopped talking.

"Yeah yeah, It'll be worth it"

Tikki and Plagg gulped.

Gabriel slipped on the cat ring and the ladybug earrings, preparing himself  "With the power of the miraculous I wish to have my wife's health restored"

There was a great beam of light. Gabriel looked over towards the glass coffin, hoping it would work and slowly Emilie's eyes opened

"Emilie!" he cried


Nathalie was bored. How long was Gabriel going to take? She did promise she would stay out of his way while he sorted out everything. None the less it was still boring. Suddenly, she felt a tickle in her throat and she let out a cough. 

"Im sick of this" She sighed as she coughed again... and again

"Miss Nathalie, that doesn't sound good, do you want me to call Mr Gabriel?"

"Be quiet Duusu, I'm fine, really"

Nathalie heard the click clacking of high heels in the corridor and quickly stood up, straightening her clothes, she didn't want Gabriel to know she had been coughing. It would only burden him.

A sigh came out of her mouth, followed by a smile. Even though Emilie was a pompous brat, Nathalie couldn't deny the look on Gabriel's face, it was like his whole world had just been turned upside down.

Nathalie stood up and walked towards the door.

"I'll go and pick-up Adrien from school" Nathalie cleared her throat quickly

Emilie rolled her eyes. Nathalie looked the other way, trying to ignore her.

"Oh no you won't, I'm picking him up." Emilie said in her high pitched show off voice

"Well then if its ok with sir, I'll be heading home now."

"Of course" he paused for a second before adding "You've earned it"

To be continued

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