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Nathalie sat down on the garden bench  and stared at the pink begonias infront of her.

"I don't care that Gabriel and you were together last night, it's even a bit pathetic that he would feel sorry for you. One way or another, I'm going to find a way to make you leave, weather it's Gabriel firing you, or you quitting"

Nathalie took a deep breath, standing up "We'll see about that, Emilie" she strode of, leaving an irritated Emilie behind her

As she was walking up the stairs, she was met by Gabriel. Nathalie could tell he'd made a decision.

"How's Adrien?" She asked hesitantly

"Actually, he seems fine. I think he understands I made a big mistake, it's good that he wants to help"

Nathalie smiled.

"The weather's supposed to be good tomorrow, maybe we can fix this mess then" She giggled

"Sounds perfect to me"

He placed a small kiss on her cheek as he hurried down the stairs. He'd never failed to make her blush. 

Nathalie groaned as she let out a raspy coughing. She was really looking forward to when she could be cough free, and so was her chest.

She grasped the railing as a cough attack hit her, it was like she had been hit by a train. She collapsed into a pile, still holding the railing. Gabriel was entering his office when he heard the coughs echoing through the foyer "Nathalie!" He ran up the stairs to her side. He got onto his knees and rubbed her back.

"Ughh, get a room" Emilie rolled her eyes, approaching the two "she's such a drama queen"

"Emilie, I know you're angry but this isn't the time" Gabriel stood up, getting to her level

Emilie gave Nathalie a little kick "Pig" she whispered as she walked away and into her room

"Stop being jealous!" Gabriel shouted at the closed door. He got onto the ground once again, comforting Nathalie "are you ok?"

She nodded her head shakily, still coughing. Suddenly, she went limp, her head hit the floor with a thump "Nat!" Gabriel tried to wake her up

He brushed the hair from her face and put his ear to her chest, she was barely breathing. Her pulse was almost nonexistent and her skin was like a ghost.

It was at this point when Gabriel started to panic, she was on the brink of death. He picked her up and ran down the stairs, trying not to drop the dying woman in his arms. He put her on the office sofa and clipped on the Ladybug miraculous, releasing Tikki.

To be continued

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated, I've been busy

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