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Your POV

I sit down in front of the pink-haired boy that the teacher pointed me towards. All eyes are still on me as I get situated in my new seat. I feel uneasy with all the attention but I assumed it would be like this. Being the new student isn't an ideal situation but I'm excited to have a fresh start here.

The teacher begins the lesson and the other students turn away from me to focus on the instructions. I release a breath that I've been holding since I walked in and I feel much better already with all the eyes off me. I rub my eyes and blink a few times to wake up. I couldn't sleep last night due to my nerves but I feel much better now that I'm here and the dreaded introduction is over. I rest my hands in my lap and focus on the teacher. I was up pretty late thinking of all the things I would do that'd make me look stupid that I almost missed my alarm. In the past, my mom would be the one to wake me up and I guess I'm still not used to not having that anymore.

After listening to the teacher for a while, the bell finally rings to signal lunch. I grab my lunchbox and start packing my things. As I get up from my seat, a girl with short, orange hair stands by my desk and smiles warmly at me.

"Hi! My name is Yumehara Chiyo! It's nice to meet you!" She says excitedly.

"Hi, I'm Y/n L/n but you already knew that," I say back. She laughs and points over her shoulder to another girl who has glasses and brown hair pulled into two low pigtails.

"I assumed that you probably don't have anyone to sit with at lunch, so we were hoping that you would join us!" She exclaims.

"Yeah, sure that sounds great," I respond with a smile, and we both head over to the girl with glasses.

"H-hello, my name is Mera Chisato, welcome to PK," she says quietly but just as friendly as Yumehara

"Thanks! It's nice to meet you," I respond. The three of us walk to the lunchroom and sit down at a table towards the center of the common area. Just as I open my box, another girl walks over and gracefully sits down across from me.

"Hi! My name is Teruhashi Kokomi! It is so nice to meet you! I hope we can become great friends!" She exclaims. I look at the blue-haired girl who seems to have a ray of sunshine reflecting off of her and I smile politely.

"It's nice to meet you, Teruhashi! I hope we can become friends too!" She sits down after looking me over and I begin eating. It's a nice relief that I was able to find some people to sit with especially nice girls like them. If I didn't find anyone, I probably would've hidden in the bathroom so I sigh in relief.

"So L/n, why did you decide to come to PK?" Yumehara asks, causing the other girls to turn their attention towards me.

"Well, it's mostly for my dad. He got a new job that resulted in us moving. But I also wanted a fresh start too," I say honestly and the girls nod their heads.

"Wow, that's awesome! What does your dad do?" Yumehara asks again and a light blush forms on my face.

"I don't really know exactly what he does," I giggle. "But it has something to do with corporate big wigs and CEOs since he's always at his office. He works in business management so I think he's on a committee for a big company or something like that," I respond.

"Wow, so are you rich or something?" Mera mumbles while chowing down on her food.

I laugh out loud again and say, "No, I don't think so. He gives me an allowance so I can go shopping every once in a while though."

"Lucky!" Yumehara exclaims and I smile.

"So what does your mom do then L/n?" Teruhashi asks.

I get a heavy feeling in my heart but shake it off and say, "She actually passed away a little over a year ago," the girls look at me sadly. "Which is the big reason why I want a fresh start, ya know?"

Teruhashi apologizes profusely and bows her head several times not meaning to hurt my feelings. She's starting to cause somewhat of a scene and people, especially boys, start turning their heads in the direction of the distressed girl.

"It's okay, you didn't know, I can't be mad at you if you had no idea," I say and she finally stops.

"So what do you guys like to do for fun around here?" I ask curiously, changing the subject back to something more lighthearted.

"There are some good cafes and shops around that we go to, there's also a nice park nearby that a lot of students hang out at, and sometimes there are events like festivals and stuff!" Yumehara exclaims.

"Wow, that sounds really fun!" I say. I look over at Mera who has completely devoured her food and she looks hungry still. I look down at my bento box and see that I still have some food leftover.

"Hey, Mera do you want the rest of my food? I am full so don't worry about having the rest," I offer. She looks at me like I'm an angel and almost looks like she's about to cry.

"Thank you so so much L/n!" She cheers and before I know it, she's practically inhaling my food.

"What do you do for fun Mera?" I ask her, hoping that conversation might save her from choking.

"I don't really have time for fun," She says in between bites. "I work 12 jobs to help my family so I guess that's what I do for fun."

"That's a lot!" I say in shock, "how do you even manage to do that?"

"I don't know, but it isn't that bad."

"Is there anywhere that you work that might be hiring?" I ask. She turns to me and swallows her food. 

"Yes actually! There's a café close by that I started working at recently. They said they need more people, and if I bring you then I'd get a raise! You should come to check it out!" She says then goes back to devouring my lunch. I'm not sure if she just wants the raise or to actually have a friend to work with but I ultimately decide to accept the offer. Since my Dad is away so often, I'm alone in the apartment. At first, it was fun since I felt like an independent adult. But after a while, I really started to feel alone so getting a job, especially with someone I know, I think would be a great distraction.

"Perfect!" She says "We can head there after school, it's not that far away!" She sets down her fork and I nod excitedly. I look down to see that she already finished what was left of my lunch. She must really be hungry if she managed to eat all of that in less than 5 minutes.

"You know if you want, I can bring some extra food with me so you don't need to worry about buying food." I suggest, "Only if you want, it would be no problem since I always end up making too much anyways." For the second time, she stares at me with wide eyes.

"Are you a goddess or something? That would be great! A-as long as it's no trouble." Mera says as she places my empty bento box back in front of me. I laugh at her enthusiasm.

"Yeah, it's no problem! I like to cook," I say while packing up my lunchbox. Mera continues to talk about the different jobs she has and Yumehara joins in too. After a few minutes of getting to know each other, I glance over to Teruhashi and see her eyes narrowed in a glare, staring at me with a cold expression. But the look disappears after only a split second before it is replaced with a radiating smile. I quirk my eyebrow at her and she turns back to Yumehara who is talking about her plans after school. Teruhashi has a judgmental gaze and I get the feeling that she's fake. I shake off the small moment but take note in my mind that I should keep an eye on her.

They keep telling me all about the school and the teachers when I get the feeling someone is staring at me. I turn my head in the direction of the feeling and see the pink-haired kid I sit in front of in class, looking at me with an emotionless expression. He quickly turns away and acts interested in the very animated conversation at his table. I shake it off, it's normal for someone to act like that since I'm new so I join back into the conversation that has now turned to Teruhashi and her modeling career.

Despite some things being a little hard to deal with already, I can tell I am going to like it here.


Hi! It's the author. I wanted to clear up how the dialogue will look:

the italic speech will be Saiki's dialogue when he communicates using his telepathy (how he normally talks) since what he says sometimes won't be out loud.

That's all! How you enjoy it! 

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