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'Math is killing me,' you think as your head pounds from the immense amount of information that your teacher is throwing at you.

There's a big test coming up that you know you're not ready for and it's stressing you out. You put your head down on your desk and close your eyes to stop yourself from thinking too negatively. You'll just have to figure it out tonight. You have been studying for the past two days but you're still not getting it. You sit up and let out a small sigh. You know you need to think of something soon if you want to be able to not let your grade drop.

"Saiki, could you please come up to the board and solve this equation for us?" The teacher asks. He gets up and wordlessly goes over to the board and answers the question. After finishing, he quickly walks back to his seat behind you and sits down again.

"Wow, great work Saiki, that equation was quite difficult," the teacher says and at that statement, a light bulb goes off in your head.

'I could ask Saiki to help tutor me for the test!' You think but then quickly decide that it's probably not a good idea. 'Are we even friends? He hasn't said more than one word to me ever. But he seems to really know what he's doing...' You keep going back and forth but as the bell rings to end the class and school day, you decide at least trying won't hurt. You turn behind you to see Saiki grabbing his papers. You tap his desk and he looks up at you.

"Hey, nice job on that equation. It looked tough," you say. He nods and is about to leave when you call out to him.

"Actually Saiki, could you maybe help me with some problems? I am so confused and I really don't want to fail this test," you ask. He stares at you for a little with that emotionless expression and you wonder what he's thinking.

'He's probably going to say no.'

'I don't want to help you,' Saiki thinks matter of factly. He is about to decline your request when he gets a feeling in his stomach and grows annoyed when he realizes it's guilt. He internally rolls his eyes. He doesn't care if you fail or not but why does he feel so guilty? He thinks a little longer and remembers the free coffee jelly that you gave him two weeks ago as well as when you helped him escape from Nendo; he internally groans.

"Fine," he says and turns to walk away, "let's go." You are genuinely surprised but silently celebrate before following him out the door.

"If you want, we can study at my place? If that makes it easier?" You suggest while walking next to him through the hallway and down the stairs to the main doors.

"No, we can do it at mine. My notes are in my room anyway," he responds.

"Oh okay, as long as it's no trouble," you say with a light blush from his word choice, trying not to think dumb dirty thoughts and follow him off-campus. As we walk, you wave to Yumehara and quickly change shoes. After being all set, you run a few steps to catch Saiki, who is already out the door. Once you catch him, you walk side by side in silence. You try to think of something to say to at least try to diffuse the somewhat awkward tension but ultimately decided it best to stay quiet. As you keep walking, your apartment complex comes into view.

"Do you mind if I stop at my apartment?" You ask, "I just need to drop some stuff off real quick."

He simply nods and when you get to your complex you both walk up the stairs and enter your apartment.

"You can make yourself at home, it'll only take a second," you say and quickly go to your room to drop off your backpack, and change into more comfortable clothes. While you're in your room, Saiki looks around your apartment. It's pretty simple consisting of a large room that consists of the dining room furnished with a plain auburn wood table along with 4 chairs in a similar style. The kitchen is against one wall and the sitting area is across from it with a couch, dark brown leather chair, and a flat-screen TV. There is another table that is smaller with the same color as the main table in the dining room. The kitchen is plain. Consisting of regular attachments like a stove, oven, microwave, and refrigerator. The walls are white and bare aside from three separate doors that he assumes to be one bathroom and two bedrooms. The apartment is dull and unwelcoming, making it seem like no one lives here. The only sign of life is a small vase with a few wildflowers on the center of the dining room table. Saiki knows that you haven't lived here long but he didn't expect your home to feel so cold, it's quite the opposite of your nature. You grab your math things and head out to see Saiki still in the same spot that you last left him. He turns his head at the sound of your footsteps. 

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