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The dress above is a suggestion! If you don't want to imagine yourself wearing it then that's no problem! Enjoy the chapter! I had a lot of fun writing it!


Your POV

After getting home from work, I quickly take a shower and change into a simple dress. It ends just before the knee and its fabric is flowy; making it perfect for the warm weather. I put on light makeup and decide to curl the ends of my hair. I look in the mirror and do a little swirl and watch the dress flow with my motion.

'I look good,' I think and wink at the mirror while striking a dumb pose. I hear a knock at the door and flatten the imaginary wrinkles in my dress, grab my purse, and head for the door. I swing it open to reveal Saiki in a simple sweater and jeans.

"Hi," I say "let me put on my sandals." After I'm sure I have everything, we walk out of the apartment and after a few minutes of walking, arrive at the entrance of the festival.

"Wow, this place is insanely busy," I comment while looking around the park. People are everywhere enjoying all the offers of the event. I don't think I could see a single open area of grass. The atmosphere is bustling with chaotic and extreme energy. When I came here the night Kusuo helped me, this place now looks completely different. I didn't even know this many people lived around here.

"I think the rest of the gang said they would be by one of the dessert tents," I say while trying to walk through the crowd. "Let's try to stay together-" I turn to look at Saiki but he's not there anymore.


I frantically look around for Saiki. He shouldn't be hard to miss with that pink hair of his but I can't seem to find him anywhere. I try to shove my way through the crowd but with so many people the task is quite difficult. I grab my phone and text him, hoping that it might help and that hopefully, he knows that I'm gone. The familiar feeling of getting forgotten itches at the back of my brain and I feel a panic stir in my chest from all the bodies. I need space. My heart is pounding and I feel like my throat is closing up, making it hard for me to breathe as my eyes start to get blurry from in-coming tears.

'It's okay, don't freak out, you'll find him,' I repeatedly tell myself, but the intense atmosphere and the huge crowd are making it hard for me to stay calm.


Saiki POV

"Wow, this place is insanely busy," L/n says while looking around the crowded park.

I continue to walk towards the dessert tents since that's where L/n said they would be. It is insanely noisy and I regret not bringing my ring with me to try and muffle all the thoughts and conversations. As I almost arrive at the tents, I look down in wonderance as to why L/n isn't saying anything only to find that she's no longer by my side.

'Good grief of course she's gone.'

There are too many people here so there will be no way to find her. I reach for my phone and realize that I didn't bring it with me. Of course. And for some reason, I can't hear her thoughts so finding her will be even harder than it already is. Attempting to find her using clairvoyance in this crowd would be a horrible mess.

I turn around and walk the way I came to try and find her. The more I look for her, the more annoyed I grow, it's almost comical, of course, she gets herself lost. She's probably freaking out and losing her shit over the fact that she's alone. I would rather not want to deal with a distressed L/n so with a heavy sigh, I continue looking around. After a few minutes, I finally see her. She is facing away from me, her dress flowing around her in an angelic way and her hair cascades down her shoulders. If I wasn't so annoyed I'd think she looked pretty. I push past the people in front of me and put a hand on her shoulder. She jumps a little, turning around, and meets my eyes with her watery ones. My annoyance fades away as I look at the panicky expression present on her face.

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