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Your POV

After the eventful weekend, it's now Monday and I'm walking to school with Kusuo, as usual. It's a nice day and I feel ready to push through this week but of course, something has to go wrong. As we get on campus, other students are staring at us as we walk through the front doors. Some are whispering, while others are shaking their head in a disapproving way.

"Why is everyone looking at us?" I ask when I get to my locker. 

'They're looking at you,' he telepathically answers 'Saiko is- .'

Before he can finish, the pig himself makes an appearance and I freeze at the sight of him. He looks me up and down before taking a few steps closer to which Kusuo makes his presence known, by shielding me from Saiko's gaze.

"Hey y/n, I had such a great weekend. Let's do it again sometime," he smirks, trying to eye me from behind Kusuo. I don't know what Kusuo looks like staring at Saiko, but I can only imagine a glare since no words are exchanged. Not happy to get any more reactions, Saiko walks past us, but not before roughly shoving Kusuo with his shoulder. I squeeze my hands into fists and try to not let the panic that's swirling in my stomach get any worse. I take a few deep breaths and once I calm down I tug Kusuo's sleeve, letting him know that it's okay.

"How bad is it?" I say, my voice quiet.

Kusuo turns around and looks anywhere but at me as he tries to think about what to say. 'It's... bad,' he finally answers telepathically.

I groan and quickly change my shoes before heading to class. I feel like dying on the spot, can the world just swallow me up? I storm up the stairs and remind myself with every step that it'll be fine. I walk into class and all eyes are on me. I ignore them and go sit in my seat, Kusuo arrives seconds later and sits down behind me like normal. Once I'm seated, Chisato and Chiyo make their way over to my desk.

"Y/n what's going on?"

"Did you actually sleep with him?"

"Is it true?"

They keep firing questions and I cover my face. "No, it's not true. None of it is. Saiko is a disgusting roach."

"What are you going to do?" Chiyo asks, "The rumors I hear are bad."

"I can't DO anything," I whisper and put my head on the table, 'Again, I can't do anything.'

"We're sorry y/n," they say making their way back to their seats as the teacher walks in.

At least they believe me.

The class goes on and I get through it the best I can. Lunch rolls around and I already dread what types of looks I will get and what fake things I will hear about myself. I walk into lunch and head to the table as quickly as possible. The gang is already there and when I sit down, they get quiet.

"What are you going to do?" Kaido asks, concern covering his face.

"I told them the truth," Chisato says and I give her a grateful smile.

"I don't know," I say "even if I say it's fake, most everyone won't believe it. People are going to think what they want about me."

"What actually happened?" Nendou asks. I sigh and rub my eyes, the stress of the day is already becoming too much. I notice Teruhashi isn't here, how convenient. 

"He tried to take advantage of me when I was at work," I mutter. "So he's probably just pissed off that he didn't get something he wanted for once in his life."

"That's horrible!" Chiyo exclaims while taking my hand in hers, "I'm so sorry y/n."

I just nod and look over at Kusuo and we lock eyes.

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