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After succumbing to all the stress, anxiety, and late hours slaving away doing practice questions, exams are finally over! It's finally the weekend and I've decided to celebrate! After going out to get ramen with the gang on Friday, I decided to make some homemade coffee jelly and have Kusuo over. We haven't gotten to have any fun since every time we hung out we were studying together for exams. So making some cups of his favorite dessert and having a relaxing night in sounds perfect.

After going to the store and baking all afternoon, it was finally time. Kusuo came over and we had a little dinner then chowed down on coffee jelly. He arrived very stoic, as usual, but quickly changed his tune when he started eating the dessert. He gets the cutest look on his face and I couldn't help but stare.

"Awww," I say and he looks over at me.

'What?' He asks dully and I laugh.

"Your face when you eat coffee jelly, it's adorable," I say.

He looks away from me quickly, "shut up." I roll my eyes at his blatant bashfulness but continue eating anyway.

After we finish eating he helps me put everything away and clean the dishes. I think about how caring and sweet Ku has been and it makes my heart happy. He really has been looking out for me and I hope that the coffee jelly helped to show, even a little, how much he means to me. I know I need to say what has been on my mind for forever now and I think if I don't do it now, I never will.

"Kusuo, I have something to tell you," I say now getting extremely nervous. He looks over at me and gives me a look to continue. I take a deep breath and attempt to get the words out.

"Well um... well I-" I begin.

"Good grief, just spit it out."

"I like you," I state. The room falls silent and I feel my face go red at my outburst. I look back down at my feet, slightly embarrassed, but continue anyway.

"I think it's obvious by now that I like you, a lot, more than just a friend. I just wanted to let you know since we've kissed a few times... and not knowing what we are... was getting me a little anxious," I say without looking up.

It's quiet again and I shut my eyes. 'Great I probably sound so stupid and clingy. Maybe this was a bad idea, I'll just say I was joking or some kind of excuse like that. Yeah, that should work.' When I'm about to talk, a hand lightly grabs my chin and moves my face up. At the movement, I look up at Kusuo who has a content smile on his face.

"Good because I like you too, dummy." He whispers and before I can respond he pulls my chin up and our lips connect. Right away this kiss is more intense than the others. It full of more passion and love than ever before but it's amazing, it feels right. His free hand slides behind my back then moves down to settle on my waist as he guides me backward, causing my back to hit the cool surface of my fridge. My hands cup his face and at my movement, I feel his grip on my waist tighten. Our lips disconnect and reconnect, neither one of us getting enough of each other. His front is pressed against me, practically sandwiching me between himself and my fridge. After a few minutes, Kusuo pulls away and leans his forehead on mine. We both look at each other, smiling like idiots as we catch our breath.

"Y/n," Kusuo starts, pulling back to look at my face, "will you be my girlfriend?"

My eyes widen at his forwardness and he raises an eyebrow at my reaction. I feel my brain practically explode, his question rings in my ears as happy trumpet sounds celebrate in my head. I bite my lip, trying to contain my smile.

"Hmm," I say looking off to the side, pretending to think but I have a hard time keeping a grin from my face.

"Oh my god," Kusuo says annoyed, but a small smile is present on his face.

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