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After the help from Saiki, the math test went easy breezy. You ended up getting an A on the test too! As soon as you got the score back you turned around in your seat to show Saiki and when you were talking to him about it, you swear you saw a faint smile on his face.

Now it's Friday and your dad is coming home! You haven't seen him since before school started so you are really excited to be able to catch up and tell him about all the new friends that you made.

You walk out of your apartment with a huge smile on your face and head to school. As you walk you see Nendou, Kaido, and Saiki a little ways ahead of you.

"Hey, guys!" You call out and run to catch up to them.

"Hey, L/n!" Kaido says, "you look very cheerful this morning."

"That's because I am! My dad is coming home for the weekend! I haven't seen him in so long so I'm really excited!" You exclaim, falling into step beside them. Your dad works in the city and thought it would be best to move closer. He ultimately picked P.K. academy for you, even though it's still a good hour away because the community is nice and quiet. But honestly, you think it was because he would be able to leave you (a minor) to be on your own without any problems.

"That's great!" Kaido says and smiles at your positive attitude.

"So you won't be able to hang out today then?" Nendou asks.

"Sorry Nendou, I'll probably be spending all my time with my dad. But maybe next week after school we can all go to get ramen again." You propose and he agrees with your statement. You, Nendou, and Kaido continue talking about what you'll do when your dad visits and Saiki watches your expressions as you talk. He catches himself smiling a little and when he hears your laugh he gets a weird feeling in his stomach. Before he has time to question why he feels like this, you all make it into the school and class begins.


Saiki POV

As soon as the bell rings at the end of the day, L/n jumps up from her seat.

"I won't be able to walk home with you today," she tells me as she grabs her bag, "I'm going to the store to pick up a few things so have a good weekend!" She says and rushes out the door before I can blink.

I grab my bag and head out of the classroom at a normal pace. I'm glad to be able to have the whole weekend to myself. I'll finally be able to catch up on my game and I'll probably read some more of my manga. I successfully avoid Nendou and Kaido and I make my way down the sidewalk and pass L/n's apartment complex. Even though walking home by myself is peaceful and relaxing, I can't help to somewhat miss L/n's presence which feels weird to admit, even to myself. Even if we barely talk on our walks home from school, the company isn't all that unbearable and I find her to not be as annoying as a lot of the others at PK. Maybe it's because I can't read her thoughts but I don't mind her company. When I think about it, I don't remember when we started walking home together. I guess it was after I helped her with math and somehow it turned into an everyday thing. Once I get home, I go up to my room and relax by reading a few chapters of my manga. After several hours of doing nothing, I grew bored so I decided to go downstairs to grab some food. I think there might be some coffee jelly in the fridge.

"Kusuo can you put this vanity together for me?" My dad asks while standing surrounded by several pieces of furniture.

'No do it yourself,' I telepathically answer him and head into the kitchen towards the fridge.

"Aww come on, don't be like that, it'll only take you a few seconds," He pouts while holding up a random piece of the vanity.


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