Beach Time

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(Ok I'm changing your age and Riley's age to 18 and Huey is 20 bc there's a 3 yr difference and you and Riley are still in high and Huey isn't but ig he just went that one day-) You woke up to Riley's arms wrapped around your waist and Huey's hand on your thigh. Your thigh was wrapped around Huey's waist and Riley was behind you. Your head was also dug into Huey's chest. You heard a knock on the door and tried getting up. You felt Riley un-wrap his arms around you and walk to the door. "Thank youuuu" You whispered. He quickly put some pants on and you covered you and Huey with the blanket. Huey was still dead asleep. Riley opened the door and there was Millie, Cindy, Jayson and Jazmine. "Oh shiiit" Millie said as she looked at all the marks on Riley's chest. "Ayyy you got some?" Cindy asked sticking her tongue out and pretending to fake bang the air. "So did Huey" Riley replied. "Oh shit you all had a threesome?" Jayson asked. "Yeah but we only fucked Y/n so chill" Riley said as he looked around the room for his shirt. Jazmine looked at Huey who was facing the other way and she saw all the scratch marks and other marks on Huey's back. She wasn't happy. Riley saw. "Ay bitch calm down he ain't yours anymore" Riley said. "Fr" Cindy agreed. Jazmine just scoffed. Riley put his shirt on and threw you clothes and you got changed under the covers. You covered up Huey and went to them. "You FUCKED up there backs- You know I heard y'all last night but I thought it was someone else smh" Millie said. "Why are you guys here at 6 again?" You asked. "You forgot to set your alarm. You was to busy doin the freemans but we're going to the beach" Millie answered. "Oh- I'll wake Huey up" You said as you started walking to Huey. "Huey" You said as you shook him. He turned to you without opening his eyes and grunted. "Hu-" Huey cut you off by pulling you on the bed and cuddling you. "Hueyyyy" You said. "Im up" He said in a tired voice. Riley closed the door leaving the others out. "Put some clothes on man" Riley said throwing swimming trunks at him. Riley changed his clothes to trunks and so did Huey. You changed into your swimsuit and they just stared. You put shorts over the short part at the bottom. (The small piece) You felt Huey wrap his hands around your waist and lay his head on your shoulder. "Wow Huey came to me first~" You teased. "Shut up" He said before kissing your cheek. "AY YOU READY TO GO?" Jayson yelled. You all left and went to the beach. Jazmine kept trying to flirt with Huey but you nor Millie allow it. You got in the water with Cindy and started playin around. You looked over and saw the boy staring at you and you just smiled and waved. They both waved back. "HEY WANNA PLAY VOLLEYBALL?" Millie yelled. "YEA!" You and Cindy yelled back. "Alr girls against boys!" Millie said as you and Cindy ran to her. 


As you guys were playing Huey and Riley sometimes kept getting distracted by you because you were good at playing. Jazmine tried impressing Huey but Huey forgot she was even there LMAO. You all laid some towels on the sand and sat on yours. You Huey and Riley put your towels together and sat with each other. You all started eating. Cindy snuck up behind you and took some of your chips. "HEY" You shouted as she ra away laughing. You got up and ran after her. You tackled her to the ground and you both started laughing. "YOU GOT SAND ON THE CHIP" Cindy yelled. You both laughed harder.


"Aghhh im stuffed." You said as you threw your head back onto Cindy's shoulder. She was behind you still eating on the sand. "Girl how are you STILL eating" You said sarcastically. "Cause im fat" She said as she gave you a T-T look. "Stfu" You said. "Hey mamas! How bout you gimme your number?" A guy yelled. There were about like 6 guys. Millie, Jayson, Huey and Riley were messing around in the water so you and Cindy ignored them. "I know you heard me" The guy said getting closer with his friend. "Leave us alone your just trying to impress your little gang" You said throwing sand onto there feet. The guy grabbed your arm. "Hah?" "Let me go!" You shouted. "Let her go you little white boy!" Cindy shouted. Another guy grabbed Cindy. "AY!" Riley yelled running to you. So was Huey. Millie and Jayson were watching. They looked like if they got involved someone would get killed. "Let them go. You heard them." Huey said. Riley grabbed you but the guy didnt let go. You pushed the guys stomach so he would let go. "Ow! You bitch!" The guy said throwing a punch at you. Huey caught his hand and punched him right in the stomach. Riley pushed you and Cindy out of it. Cindy ran to Jayson as you and Millie ran to the car to get your "Little weapon". Huey, Riley and the guys were still fighting. "AY!" Millie yelled pointing a gun at them. A rifle to be exact. "FALL BACK!" One of the guys yelled as everyone ran away. Millie started laughing before you ran up to Huey and Riley. "Are you guys okay?" You asked while checking around there bodies. You felt there chests to see if there was any injury. "Hmm my dick feels weird. Wanna feel that?~" Riley teased. Huey slapped the back of his head and your cheeks got hot. 

In My Fighters Hands (Riley x Reader x Huey Aged Up)Where stories live. Discover now