Drunk Huey & Drunk Riley x Reader

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(550 words :)

You, Huey, Jasmine, Cindy and Riley were all planning on going to a party. You and Jasmine got ready at Cindy's house. Jasmine didnt like you very much cause she was in love with Huey. Huey and Riley were on there way to Cindy's house were you, Jasmine and Cindy were already ready and were talking about random stuff. You all heard a door bell and you ran downstairs. You opened the door to see Huey and Riley all dressed up. They took one good look at you and looked away. If they were white there faces wouldve been compltely red. You and Cindy looked over Riley's shoulder to see Riley's rude ass friend. You and Cindy looked at each other and gave each other "😐" Faces. You did not like him. Anyways you all got in the car. You in the front seat, Cindy, Jasmine, Rileys rude ass friend, and Riley in the back and Huey driving.


You all got there and Riley and Cindy already started drinking. You had a few drinks and Huey had none. That was until Riley and Cindy started forcing him. By then they were already drunk Jasmine didnt drink and Rileys rude friend kept stopping Jasmine from going to Huey. Riley soon to (idk how) got Huey to drink. You realized you had to take a cab and make Riley's friend drive. He doesnt drink but he smokes only. As soon as Huey got drunk he started flirting with you and being clingy. Its exactly how he is when hes sleepy. On the other hand with Riley..He was all over the place. Drinking more. Jumping up and down. Getting into fight. SOOOOO much mf energy. Meanwhile Huey would not let you go. He wouldn't even let Riley nor Cindy touch you.


You guys got out of the party and headed to your car. You were a bit drunk and Huey was drunk while his arm was wrapped around you and his head was digged in your neck while walking. You had to control Riley by pulling his hand every time before he fell. Cindy was dead asleep and Riley's friend was carrying her. Jasmine was walking behind Riley. You all got in the car, Huey was asleep on your shoulder on the right and Riley was asleep on your lap on the left. Cindy was asleep in the front seat while Riley's friend was driving. Jasmine took a cab cause you all forced her to. She was only fitting in the car before because she was in the trunk.


You were at your house and Riley's friend had to carry Cindy, Huey, And Riley up to your room. He dropped Jasmine off first. Your bed was laid down on the floor so you didn't have an under bed or anything. Not even a gap. It was big and ur room was big also so the bed took up half the corner. It was really big. He plopped Cindy on the end of your bed and Huey and Riley on the other side. You laid down next to Huey and Riley before they cuddled you in there sleep. Cindy was DEAD ASLEEP so she couldn't do nothin. She was just asleep comfortably on the end of the bed :). 

In My Fighters Hands (Riley x Reader x Huey Aged Up)Where stories live. Discover now