Short Stories :)

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You, Riley and Huey have been together for a few months. You didnt seem like there wasnt anything stopping or hurting your relationship. One day you and Riley were playing basketball and a girl came up to Huey who was sitting on a bench working on homework. She started flirting with him and you noticed. "Ay." You said as you walked up to her. "What" She replied back. Before you could say anything she said "Ew is that dandruff in your hair?" "I was just outside and its snowing" You said, Mad. "It wasnt snowing. Ew clean yourself up." She said. It was snowing. You got mad. Huey and Riley watched you clench your fist. You slapped her head. "OW!" She yelled. Riley bursted out laughing and Huey wasnt even shocked you did that. "Aww im so sorry there was dandruff in your hair. Clean yourself up before you flirt with MY boyfriend dirty pig." You said. She wasnt happy. "Damn you didnt have to hit her that hard" Huey said. "Oh shh" You said.

One day you, Riley and Huey were just in class doing what you guys do. The cops randomly came in asking for Riley and Huey. You and them got up and started walking to them until a cop stopped you. "Sorry "Sweetheart" This doesnt involve you" He said. You ignored him and walked past him to Riley. The cop grabbed your arm and Huey grabbed his. "Dont touch them." Huey said. The cop let go cause he was terrifide of Huey. "Good dog" Riley said before Huey smacked him on the head. 

You were on a 10 minute break in class and your friend ran in. "Y/N!! PLEASE PLEASE!" She screamed. She was bleeding out her waist. Before you know it a bullet went threw her head and she fell to the ground as everyone screamed. Everyone saw about 6 people walk in and point guns at you. Almost Immediately Huey and Riley started attacking them. They missed one and one of them ran at you. So did Huey and Riley. The guy pushed you and him threw the window. You two fell. Riley jumped out the window grabbing onto you and Huey grabbed onto his leg while Huey's feet were still on the school floor. The guy slipped and fell. You had glass in your stomach. You felt like you were gonna throw up. It happened so fast. Huey got shot. And he fell to. Riley hugged you as you all started to fall...And die. You woke up sweating with tears running down your face. "A dream..?" You muttered to yourself. You immediately started blowing up Riley's and Huey's phone. You called Riley at first. He didnt pick up. You called Huey. no answer. You kept spamming until.. 

My love🥰😘

H: Why do you keep calling me and Riley? Are you okay? Is something wrong? Are you hurt?


R:Ay stop spamming


R:Ay im not playin games answer me.

Y: Your okay :)

R:Tf? You good?

Y:Can you come over? I had a nightmare.

R:Nah thats gay

Y:Fine ill ask Huey

R:Chill im comin ma

My love🥰😘


Y:I had a nightmare please come over. 

H:You scared me. But fine. 

In My Fighters Hands (Riley x Reader x Huey Aged Up)Where stories live. Discover now