Short story

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You and your sister, Queen, Had just got to the river to school. You always do this. You tell your mom your school ends at 5 when it ends at 2. Your in 6th grade. Queen is your twin. Anyways, You both dropped your bags and took off your shoes. You ran into the river which was as cold as the day before. Queen jumped in and you both started splashing each other while laughing. You look to your right to see 2 black kids walking past you on the concrete. One was your age and the other one was about 13. 2 Years older then you and Queen. You made eye contact with the older one. You smiled and waved at him. He didnt wave back. He just ignored you and looked away. "Rude" You mumbled under your breath. 


It only been 10 minutes and you guys got hungry so you were on your way to the store. You were gonna make your way into the store until you noticed the same two boys you noticed in the river. They were already in the store so you two walked in and ignored them. They both looked at YOU instead of Queen. Queen was way prettier then you. You didnt know there eyes were on you though. I mean your shirt was sticking to your body, Exposing the shape of your chest. Your hair was still wet with a bit of knots/Silkiness. You and Queen kept looking around. You went to grab F/s (Favorite/snack) But you felt a hand touch yours as you grabbed onto your item. yours and that hand shot away to both your chests. You looked over to see that 13 yr old kid. He didnt look shocked, Just weirded out. You smiled at him and waited for him to grab the item. But he never did. So you did. You just awkwardly waddled away. It was time for you and your sister to pay so you went to the front. "Did you bring money?" You asked. "No did you?" She asked and answered. "No! I thought it was your turn to pay!" You said. "I thought it was yours!" She shouted. You two saw a hand go in between both of you and set money on the counter. You both looked behind each other to see that kid again. His brother was next to him. "You payin for them?" The cashier asked. "Yea" The kid responded. Queen just rolled her eyes and looked back but you smiled at that kid. "Whats your name?" You asked. "..Huey" He answered. "Ay ma im Riley!" His brother said. You smiled at both of them. 

In My Fighters Hands (Riley x Reader x Huey Aged Up)Where stories live. Discover now