Chapter 12: Just The Letter

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The silence was deafening. Ryuzaki was never someone who was in touch with his emotions. You knew he felt them, at least sometimes, but you were never exactly sure what they were.

"(y/n)." He called, finally turning your direction.

"Yeah?" You asked.

"It's all taken care of."


"The report. All the students are being evacuated, the perpetrators will be arrested, all those who are innocent will be rehabilitated." He said. "Well, I hope the latter occurs anyway." You sighed a breath that you didn't know you were holding in.

"Thank you, Ryuzaki." You smile.

"I'm no hero." He runs his pointer finger across his keyboard.

"Huh? Of course you are!" He bites his other thumb.

"It's just a puzzle. Really, it's just another challenge. One that happens to involve you." Ryuzaki smirks a bit. "Would anyone still consider me a hero?"

"You're a hero to me." You said. And then for the first time, you got to look directly into Ryuzaki's eyes. His blown-out pupils, his light grey irises that shone around them. It was an intense gaze that etched itself into your soul, causing you to look away just seconds after. You were... nervous. But a bubbly kind of nervous.

"Um, so... what now?" You ask.

"Now, nothing. For a couple days. Then you can go back to school." He says, tilting his head down to look at his fidgeting feet.

"Oh, yeah. School." Your eyes scan the room. Anywhere. Somewhere. You didn't know what to do. Something was wrong. Very wrong. Nothing dangerous, something is just missing.

"(y/n)," Ryuzaki says.


"If you would like, while Victor isn't around, you can call me L." He was still looking down.

"Is Ryuzaki not your name?" You ask.

"No. It's not mine. I claimed it from someone else. But I suppose L is the only name that was ever truly... mine."

"Of course... L." You giggle. "Just the letter?"

"Just the letter." He smiles back at you, gravely. You shift a bit closer to him, as he readjusts his crouch. Your hands touch once more, but you pull away.

"You okay?" L asks.

"Oh, yeah, I-"

"Good." And with that, his fingers were intertwined with yours. Much of the tension melted away, and was replaced with a heart fluttering tingle. You turn to him again as he fiddles with his tech. You see his jawline, that hair, those eyes, everything you had ever admired about him. You feel everything he has ever made you feel. The calm, the happy, the nerves, all positives. You didn't want to go back to school, not if you would never see him again.

You just loved him.



Oh god...

Oh no...

Shit... This isn't good...

No. This is just because he saved you and everyone you know. There's no way you could be in love with him?

Oh but you were. Oh, you sweet poor child, snap out of your denial. You love him. I mean, look at this dork. This smart, handsome, unique, funny, and mysterious dork. How on earth did you hit it off so well with this dork? Is this why? Because you were destined to love him?

Three sharp knocks at the door.

"The food's here." L calls.

"I'll get it." You say as you get up from the soft piece of furniture. Pretty soon you brought three cases of pancakes to the coffee table.

"Victor! Food's here!" You yell in his direction.

"YES!" you hear from behind the door before he practically burst out his room. "Oh my god these look so good!" L put his keyboard away and turned the monitors off to make way for you and Victor, who had no other place to sit but the couch. Just like in L's car, the three of you sat slightly squished. Only this time you were in the middle. Then the three of you dug into your meals. It was delicious.

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