Whatever The Birthday Boy Wants

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Words can't express how I feel hearing Logan say he loved me for the first time. I was over the top emotional and extremely happy. I couldn't hold back from kissing him. We headed for a while to celebrate with his team at Maggie's Diner. It was the to-go spot ever since I can remember for everyone after the games.

After a while sitting there with everyone, he leaned down whispering in my ear "Let's get out of here yeah?" I smiled taking his hand.

We had sneaked out from the celebration to go our separate way. It was nearly 10:30 in the evening. In just an hour and a half, Logan was going to be officially 18 years old. I wanted to have the privilege to be the first one to say happy birthday to him.

It was really cold out, even with his hoodie on, my nose and hands felt really cold. So we went to my house to warm up. When we got there, my parents were snuggled up watching a movie in the living room. Aaron had gone to sleep at a friend's house, and since Jason is still small, he tends to sleep early.

We sat with my parents for a few minutes, letting them know the good news. My dad was really excited, he was a former wolf himself, so the news that we were still undefeated really got him excited. He felt so proud to know we were going to the playoffs.

Over the last few weeks, Logan was able to get comfortable in our house, which I loved that he felt that away. My parents loved him. He was a gentleman after all, and needless to say, dad and he loved watching sports together. The only downside was all the yelling from how excited they got, they tend to bet against Troy and Steven, which usually ends in a friendly tease of bickering among them when the other team lost. Either way, it was cool to have him become so comfortable in my house. Just how he and his family made me feel in his house.

We decided on making sandwiches for all of us since we didn't eat at the diner, so Logan and I stood up and walked to the kitchen to prepare sandwiches. He knew where everything was, so he helped me to take out the stuff from the fridge while I got the bread and mayonnaise out of the pantry.

He began spreading the bread with mayonnaise, and I began to wash the lettuce and tomatoes. We had a few strips of bacon left from this morning's breakfast, so we went with adding a few strips of bacon to each sandwich.

My dad refused for him to call him Mr. Patterson.

"So, Mr. P? Would you like cheddar or America cheese on your sandwich?" Logan asked as he helped me prepare the sandwiches.

"Logan? How many times have I told you not to call me Mr. P, or Mr. Patterson? It's Richard. oh, and I'll go with a slice of each, please. No mustard, it's gross." My dad said while he continued to surf through the channels, looking for another movie.

Logan smiled and nodded his head. My mom slapped his arm making him gasp. " Hey! Hailey? What gives?" He responded making my mom giggle. "That is too much for you. You know you got to take it easy. You can't have too much dairy, it's bad for you Richie." My dad rolls his eyes and sighs.

My dad was lactose intolerant, but mom hated buying those fake cheese slices. We just had to make sure dad stayed out of eating too much dairy all the time. He grunts in irritation and fixes himself on his seat. " Ok fine, just one slice of American please Logan."

"No need to choose Richard, I cut the slices in half and placed half of each on your sandwich," Logan replies, getting a glance from my mom, he chuckles putting his arms up. "I swear it's the same as one slice, but. . . you know? just two different flavors." He said smiling at her.

"I'll let it go since it's nearly your birthday. But next time, you two are in trouble." She says pointing between the two making both laugh.

We finished the sandwiches and held the plates to take them over. My dad stood and grabbed his and my mom's sandwich, "Anyway, we'll have ours in our room. You kids have a good night. We'll see you guys later, ok?" Mom looked at him curiously and dad signaled towards the stairs. 

"Come on honey, it's getting late. We have a meeting early tomorrow morning to get to. Besides, they need some time alone don't you think?" Dad says calmly to mom and she smiles.

"I suppose you are right. I will see you guys tomorrow, ok? I am getting a bit tired after all. Have a good night guys." She says standing to her feet and walking behind dad as they both made their way up the stairs.

"So? What should we watch?" I asked sitting next to him and placing my sandwich down. He squints his face in thought, "Now, do you really want to watch a movie? Or can we just eat, and then go watch Netflix on your laptop, laying down comfortably in your bed with a warm blanket?"

I smiled and hugged him around his waist, kissing his jaw. " Whatever the birthday boy wants," I said, it was nearly ten minutes till midnight. He grabbed our plates and walked upstairs, with me following right behind him grabbing our drinks.

He changed into sweatpants he had left in my room from previous nights and took off his shirt while I changed into my pajamas as well. We decided to watch an action movie called 'Ninja Assassin' he liked that movie and given it was officially his birthday now, I was ok with it.

I didn't want to wait until his birthday party to give him his present, so I took out the records I had bought him, with the gold wrapper and black ribbon I had wrapped each one in and gave them to him. "I hope you like them, it's not much to how much you deserve. But-"

"Sophie, you didn't have to get me, anything love. You're the only gift I wanted this year, and I already have you. I don't need anything else." He said, making me blush. He slowly undid the wrappers, his face lit up in a bright smile as he saw each record, the front cover was beautifully created with the headlines 'Sophie and Logan's Jams' He giggled at the titles, and blushed. He turned them around seeing they were all the songs plus many more that I had added. He smiled brightly and pulled me into a hug, kissing me on my lips.

"Do you like them?" I asked, mischievously as I straddled him. He kissed me intensely as I wrapped my arms around him. "I love them! but, I won't be able to play them for a while baby girl. I broke my victrola a few weeks ago remember?" he said, a bit disappointed while he cupped my face in his hands.

"Well, lucky for you, you don't have to go out and buy a new one anymore. I got you another surprise, but, you'll have to wait until you get home to see it tomorrow. It's already set up, and waiting in your room." His eyes widen and a smile from ear to ear formed on his face.

"Wait, please don't tell me you got me one? Babe, you can't go wasting your money on me! Why would you do that?" My mouth gawked open in disbelief. How can he think he's not worth it for me? He deserves that and so much more. "Logan Alexander Spencer! How can you say that? You deserve that and so much more babe! You mean so much to me, and you know that." He smiled softly, cupping my face and pulling me in for a sweet gentle kiss. "I'd do anything for you," I added, looking at the digital clock by my bedside and smiled. It was 12:02, officially his birthday.

" Happy birthday Logan," I said softly and kissed him. He smiled, wrapping his hands around me. "Thank you, baby girl. This is the best birthday ever, I couldn't have wished for a better start to my birthday than to be here with you. You're by far, the best thing that could have happened to my life." He whispered, his lips gracing softly across my lips. A smile on my lips as I embraced the feeling of him. The man sends shivers down my spine and sparks through my body. "I love you," I whispered. "I love you more." His soft voice tattooed in the book of my favorite memories.

"I love you even more."


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