Love Pact

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Troy (Wednesday: Lunch break)

I was really nervous, tonight Dyan is taking me to meet his dad.

He and I have acted as if nothing ever happened when we're in school. But I won't lie, it makes me want to kiss him every time I see how Logan holds Sophie, especially because Lexie doesn't know we just started dating and constantly hugs him. It makes me want to rip him off her arms. Yes, I am the jealous type. He's my man after all.

Logan and Sophie are the talk of the school. Everyone adores them. But it's no wonder, they are perfect together!

I used to think Logan was permanently born with an angry face, but he is always smiling now. Needless to say my best friend Sophie! There's a special gleam in her eyes.

I still can't believe they are together. They make the cutest couple ever.

I didn't like Logan at first, I thought maybe he just wanted to make fun of her and continue with his dumb pranks on her like he always did. But I see both of them changing. I just hope they can make this work and they can be a strong happy couple. That Amber better not do anything to mess it up. I will rip her hair out myself.

But back to Dylan and me. . . .He knows I am still not comfortable with people knowing I'm gay. It scares me to what they may say. I haven't had the guts to come out of the closet as he has. His dad has known for a few years and supports him all the way. But that isn't the same with me.

My parents gave me their back the day I told them I was gay. I haven't talked to them since that day either. I tried calling my mom a few times, but she'd either say she was too busy to talk, or she simply wouldn't answer my call.

It was worse with my dad. I called him one time a few weeks ago! And I regret it. After he said I was a disgrace and didn't want me calling again, he said he was going to terminate my allowance completely once I turned 18. I had to figure it out how to pay the rest of my car and insurance because he wasn't going to support me anymore.

I had to figure out how I was going to do it for college. I was so overwhelmed, that I didn't notice my grandma when she went into my room. I was crying in the shower. When I got out of the restroom, she sat with me and consoled me until I had no more tears to cry.

Needles to say, I haven't told Sophie or Lexie because I don't want them to worry. Grandma is still a shareholder at dad's business, and since the house, and dad's house in New York is under her name, he is going to end with a big surprise when I graduate college.

I originally wanted to study photography and travel the world. I love traveling, but there is so much I still haven't seen. But now grandma has made me change my options. I will study photography, but I will double major in business. Since grandpa was the founder of the business, grandma inherited most of the shares. Dad is CEO but holds only twenty percent. Grandma owns forty. Since she feels she's getting older, she has put me as the inherit of those shares and will come into effect soon as I graduate college.

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