Mom Is Sick

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Logan lead me to the reception and helped me fill out the necessary documentation for mom while she was taken in.

Everything seemed so surreal.

Am I dreaming? I must be dreaming, right?

I- I don't understand what is happening. Everyone seemed to walk about unbothered, while I on the other hand felt my world kept crashing each time I tried to place a piece back into place.

I was so scared, hoping it was nothing and mom would be ok.

She is probably just suffering from jet lag. I mean, she has been traveling far more frequently than before. Her body is just tired of going back and forth from New York and back. Right?

Logan was talking on the phone while finishing the papers and giving them back to the nurse in the reception. She smiled weakly and asked us to take a seat. But how could I sit? I had to know mom was ok. Gosh, I didn't even have the head to fill out her paperwork. Yet, Logan somehow had managed to do it for me.

"When can I see her? Is she going to be ok? Who's the doctor looking after her right now?" I asked the nurse?

"Relax sweetheart. The doctor will be right out and talk to you, ok? For now, have a seat. We'll call you once we have any updates." She said calmly.

I sighed, closing my eyes and pushing myself off her desk.

Logan ended his call, running his hand through the back of his neck. He glanced over towards me, clenching his jaw.

"Logan, I, um, thank you. You didn't have to come. Thank you for being here with me. I-I didn't know who else to call."

"Don't worry about it. Let's - just wait for the doctor to see how your mom is, ok? Why don't you take a seat for now?" He said sitting and gesturing for me to sit down and.

I sighed, hanging my head and closing my eyes.

"Sophie? Logan. Oh God, Logan thank you for coming son. How is she? Did the doctor come out to speak with you guys already?" Dad suddenly came towards us. He looked just as concerned as we did. Logan stood quickly and hugged dad after dad hugged me first.

"Hey, Richard. No, not yet. The doctor hasn't come out yet, but I'm sure she's ok. Did she perhaps have a change in her medication? It could be a side effect of the medicine, don't you think? I mean, she seemed fine a few days ago. I thought she said the medication was working out for her, what happened?" Logan asked dad.

Wait- what? Meditation? What in the world were they talking about? Mom's not sick. Is she?

"She did. The doctor was concerned with the procedures, the radiation wasn't working as planned and the medicine needed to be changed. It could be her body is going through CINV. Her doctor did mention that her emetogenic potentiality may be at high risk for nausea and vomiting because of the new medicine." Dad explained. Logan nodded as if he knew exactly what dad was talking about, which is all just making me more confused.

What in the world was going on?

Mom was sick, and I didn't know? Hell- even Logan knew. Why was I left in the dark about this? Why was I just finding out now?

My mouth was gaped open, and my eyes were wide in shock. "What?" I whispered, but they had both managed to hear me.

They both looked towards me, realizing I stood listening to every word they said.

"Oh, Sophie. Honey, I- we- we wanted to tell you, honey. It's just, we wanted to wait for a right time, and-"

"I- I don't understand. Mom is sick? Like, sick-sick? Or, just sick? What is going on dad? And you? You knew, and you didn't tell me? How could you? Both of you." I uttered out. My voice quivered, fighting back the knot on my throat.

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