It's Over

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I had the best night of my life with Troy.

He was the best thing that's happened to me since I came to this town.

I haven't had it easy at the base. Dad's team knows I'm gay, and they give me a hard time for it behind dad's back. I've learned to tough it out. It's nothing new to me. Not everyone will accept who I am, and it doesn't bother me. As long as dad and T accept me, and the people I care about, that's all that matters.

I was on my way to see him after a talk to him a few minutes ago. He had left my house this morning in such a good mood, but he sounded a little down. I wasn't sure what this was about. Maybe his parents are home again and he finally told them about me.

I know he may feel upset, but I really do hope he finally told them about me. I can not wait to be able and hold him in public. To be able to let the world know he's mine. To finally tell all those girls that are always drooling over him to back off.

I parked the car in his driveway and turned off the car.

"Huh, his parents aren't here. Could his grandma be mad we took it to the next level? Shit. I do not want to be on Grandma Michaelson's bad side. Well, here we go." I exited the car and walked to the door, knocking firmly.

It didn't take long before she answered and let me in. "Hi, Dylan. Troy is in his room. Did you guys argue? He looked a little sad when he came in. He just ran to his room and didn't say a word." She said making me worried.

If one of dad's guys say something to him, I'd beat them to a pulp.

"No Mrs. Michaelson, but, I'll talk to him. I'll make sure he's ok." I said as she let me go through and I made my way to his room.

I opened the door slowly and went inside. He was on the edge of his bed, holding his face crying.

"Troy? What's wrong?" I ran to his side and knelt to my knees. He looked so bad.

"Dylan, I fucked up. I fucked up big time." He hugged me right making my worries skyrocket.

"What do you mean? What happened?"

"I went to see Sophie after I left your house. I was so happy, I wanted to tell her. She was so happy for us." He sat slouched on his bed, his face unwilling to look at me.

"So, why are you so sad? Oh my God, T, what happened to your jaw?" He had a bright red mark on both sides of his jaw.

"We were talking about what happened, and I got so caught up, I took my shirt off for her to see what you did to me. I got carried away. I started tickling her and," I was confused. I wasn't understanding where he was going with this.

"T, you're not making any sense. Sophie did this to you?"

"No." He closed his eyes and hung his head.

"Then who? What happened?" I implored him to tell me. I was beginning to get angry. Whoever hit him would have to deal with me.

"Logan walked in on us tickling each other. We had stumbled on her bed. He saw me shirtless and assumed we were, you know," He paused looking down to his side.

"You mean he thought,"

"Yeah. He misunderstood the situation. He thought Sophie and I were doing something in her bed. He went off on her and knocked me on my jaw. We tried to explain to him that we weren't doing anything that it was just a misunderstanding, but he would listen."

"Did you tell him it was me? That I made you those marks?" I asked him. I was becoming upset. If he just came out and told everyone about us, we wouldn't be in this situation. Logan would know that there's absolutely nothing between Sophie and him.

"No. I- I wasn't ready to tell him. I was too scared. I wanted to tell him, but I just couldn't,"

"God, T? How could you? Did they break up because of this?" I asked him, standing to my feet, I looked at him angrily.

Troy hung his head and closed his eyes.

"Troy answer me. Did they break up because of this?" I repeated.

"Yes. Logan and Sophie had a huge fight in front of me. I tried to reason with him, but he wasn't listening to either one of us. He hit my other side of the jaw before breaking up with Sophie and then he stormed off."

"T, you have to tell him the truth. You have to go talk to Logan and explain to him the real situation. It's enough hiding T."

"I can't Dylan. I just. . . I just can't."

"Why? Why can't you, T? Are you ashamed of me?"

"What? No. How can you say that?" He answered with a surprised expression?

"Then what? Why can't you just let everyone know, T? Why do you keep hiding? Sophie is heartbroken because of this, don't you see that?" I raised my voice at him. I was getting worked up by this whole situation. He had no right to allow Sophie and Logan to break up.

"I can't Dylan. I just can't ok?"

"Fuck T. Enough with this shit. Why not? What are you afraid of? That guy won't see you as tough because you're gay? Or that girls won't see you as manly? Are they more important than your best friend? She's hurting because of this shit T?"

"I know that. Don't you think I know? I wish I could be as brave and strong as you, but I can't Dylan."

"You know what T until you have the guts to come out, and make shit right between Logan and Sophie, then you and I are over."

"What? Dylan, no. Please."

"No, T. You don't see how much Sophie and I have sacrificed for you. To keep your secret. I hate having to hide what I feel for you. Last night was amazing. I love you, T. And Sophie cares for you a lot. She doesn't deserve this. Either you tell Logan the truth, or you can forget about me." I was so angry and hurt. I love him so much, but if he was going to allow Sophie and Logan to suffer because of us, then he didn't deserve for us to go on.

I hated and it hurt for me to do this. He doesn't know how much it hurt for me to hide from everyone. He doesn't realize it hurts for me to not be able to have the rightful title of being his, or him being mine.

I stormed out of his house and drove away, hurt, broken, but I doubt I was as broken as Sophie being dumped by the guy she loves because of this big misunderstanding.

I just hope T comes to his senses soon, or he'll lose more than one friendship.


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