Midnight Mingle

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Sophie was still shaking when I got her to my house. I wanted to rip Carter's head off. I'm such an idiot for not keeping my eye on her.

I wanted to do something to ease her mind from it all.

I turned off the car and held my hand out for her like I always do. She knows I don't like her opening the door on her own. That's what she's got me for.

I hugged her tight soon as she got on her feet, letting her bury her face in my chest. She felt tense, but soon after, she relaxed and sighed. It was pretty late, we both had school tomorrow morning so it was best I got her upstairs to sleep.

I placed the key to the doorknob and opened it. Letting her go in first whole I secured the door. She dragged her feet to the room. We had left without saying bye to anyone.

Steven, Troy, and Dylan had already sent multiple messages asking if we were ok. I replied with a simple we are ok text to each and went to the kitchen.

I heated some water and made a warm tea for her. I made my way upstairs and slowly closed the door. She laid stomach down on my bed, with her hands tucked under the pillow. She looked so peaceful and beautiful.

I turned off the regular lights, leaving on the soft blue light she likes. I slowly placed the tea on the nightstand and glanced at her.

Her hair covered her face, so I softly tucked a loose strand behind her ear to look at that pretty face.

"Hi," I whispered, leaning down and kissing her temple. She sighed again, turning on her back slowly with her weight pressed on her elbows.

"Hi. Where did you go? I thought you were right behind me when I came up here." She spoke softly making me smile as I glanced at the movement of her pouting lips, making me lean in close to claim her lips.

"I made you a tea. You want to drink a little to warm you up?" She smiles grabbing the tea from my hand.

"Thank you, Logan! That's sweet of you." She smiled and sipped it softly, avoiding to burn her lips.

She let out a pleasurable moan, tilting her head back as she indulged in the first sip. She rests her back against the headboard, sipping it a few more times and placing it back on the nightstand.

I make my way going over her and lay behind her, hugging her in a spoon position. We must have laid there for a good twenty minutes before I began to fall asleep. Her body felt more relaxed, giving me a certainty she was feeling better.

I kissed the back of her hair, snuggling in closer to her. She still wore my hoodie, I'll be honest, it's pretty hot seeing her in my clothes.

I drifted off to sleep, embracing the feel of her in my arms.

I lay in my bed face down. I slowly began to awaken, feeling feather-like kisses on my neck and back. It felt so good.

I sighed and stirred softly, feeling Sophie's hands caressing my body.

"Mmm, Soph, that feels so good baby," I whispered, my voice a little horsed from sleeping.

"Hi, baby. Turn around, will you? I have a surprise for you." I smiled and did as she asked.

My eyes widened as I saw her on all fours crawling seductively towards me in nothing but that sexy lingerie that was in the box from my birthday yesterday.

"Oh fuck." My breath hitched. My heart raised at a million per second as she sensually crawled towards me.

"Mmm, you like?" She asked running her tongue over my stomach.

I got instantly turned on, I could feel myself really hard in my jeans making it a bit painful from the feel of my jeans brushing against them.

"Sophie. You look sexy as fuck baby." She chuckled leaving wet kisses on my chest. Wait, when the hell did I take off my shirt? Whatever, it doesn't matter.

She slowly made her way up my neck, I gasped feeling herself positioned on top of me. She rocked her hips on top of my bulge making me get harder.

"Oh fuck, Sophie. What are you doing to me?" I whispered, my breath erratic as I slowly trailed my hands up her butt. Damn, her bare ass in front of me in nothing but that tiny red string. I wanted to rip it off her. I caressed her soft skin, loving the way her tongue felt on my neck.

She slowly kissed my lips, invading my mouth and deepening our kiss. She tasted incredibly sweet, sweeter than usual.

"I want you, Logan. I want you now." She whispered biting my bottom lip and pressing her lips on mine. A sensual moan escaped her as she continued to rock her hips on my bulge.

" fuck baby. . . . . are you sure? You ready to do this with me, Sophie?" I panted, my voice shaking from how bad she had me turned on. Her hand rubbed my bulge, undoing my belt and unzipping my pants.

My head tilts back as the adrenaline rushes through my body and my excitement increases to its peak. Fuck, I need to be inside her NOW.

"Sophie. . . . . oh fuck." I whisper. Her hand lowering my pants and took my shaft in her hand and slowly pulled it back. I grunt at the feel, it's so damn good. I have been waiting for this for so long. It feels amazing.

"Oh baby. . . . fuck, it feels so good." My voice was shaky as she begins to thrust her hand up and down my length. I jerk as she speeds up. It's too much for me to bear. I want her, and I want to be inside her now.

I roll us over, hovering over her, and attack her neck hungry for her. Kissing her passionately and sensually, making her arch her back and a few soft moans escaping her.

I trail my tongue to her breasts taking one in my mouth sucking it hard. "Logan. . . I want you. . . I want you now." She says through a quivering moan.

"I want you too, baby. . . .I love you. I love you so much, Sophie." I whisper, kissing her neck.

"I'll be very gentle Soph. I promise." I say as I look into her eyes. Her eyes glisten with all her beauty. I slowly part her legs and ready myself to enter her with care. Damn, she looks so good. She's driving me crazy.

"I love you, Logan."

"Logan. . . . . . .Logan. . . . . .Logan?" Her voice makes me stir. I laid on my stomach fully clothed from what I wore when we left the fair. I turned my face seeing Sophie prompt on her knees, wearing my hoodie.

'Fuck. It was just another dream.' I think to myself.

"Logan, you're on the blanket babe. Get up so I can fix it. It's getting cold." She asks making me roll over and letting her get ahold of it. I groan and lay frustrated on my back, running my hands across my face.

"What's wrong babe? Were you having a nightmare?" She asks sheepishly, snuggling in my arm and running her hand on my chest.

Well, fuck it. We may as well make out since I know it won't go past that. . . . .for now.

I hover over her making her squeal in a giggle. I claim her lips, parting them and invading her tongue. Her kisses are always the sweetest.

Her hands roam under my shirt making me shiver. She bucks her hips against me but knowing she's not ready, and the last I need is to wake up with blue balls again, I tickle her.

She laughs, squirming under me, trying to get away. I swear, I love this girl so damn much.

I don't know how much longer we will wait, but one thing is for sure, I want to be in her life for the rest of my life.


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