The Date

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The Festival was two days away, we'd spent the last few days practicing our poems and planning how to present our club. The club has made me feel more confident as a person, no longer did I feel awkward walking down the halls of my school or making eyecontact with others. Monika occasionally organized nights out at cafes where we'd talk about the festival and (when we had the time) about us. Tokumei was really starting to open up, he was a lot more jovial and friendly since he first entered the club. Yesterday me and Yuri helped by painting the banner. I helped with planning the design and Yuri helped with painting it. Her painting skills were just as good as her writing skills, which didn't suprise me.  Today was the day Yuri and me were about to go on a date, our second that is in celebration of completing our banner.I walked outside the school, Yuri was nowhere in sight. I have been scrounging throughout the school in search for Yuri. The club was finished, now all the students from the clubs and programs were being dismissed, yet I still had a hard time finding her even with the reduced amount of students.

 I finally found her sitting against the wall of the school, the one beside the outdoor eating area. She sat with her hands covering her face while four students surrounded her, three were girls and one was a boy. 

I then realized what was happening.

I felt my stomach clench in anger as I marched to her defense.

"It's so pathetic how a girl with boobs like you couldn't even get a man!" one of the girl said. They all burst into laughter.

"What's going on!" I barked. 

All the four students stopped and turned to me. I towered over them due to all of them being a foot smaller than me. The three girls were nervous while the boy was smug.

"Why do you care about this bitch, all of a sudden?" said the boy.

I looked at Yuri, she removed her hands from her face and looked at me, her eyes were reddened and wet with tears.

"Oh," one of the girls whispered.

I looked back at him.

"Bitch huh?"

I spread out my shoulders, expanding my bulk. His eyes then widened in fear.

"Oh, I-I didn't realize you were her...Sorry." He ran away along with the girls.

I turned to Yuri and held out my hand, she grabbed it and pulled herself up.

She embraced me and I reciprocated, soon the warm smell of lavender perfume entered my nostrils.

"C'mon, we're going tonight," I say as we walked eachother home.

Tonight we were going to the mall, our first public date, which was fine by Yuri as her confidence was boosted by her time around us. 

I dressed up with a polo-shirt and jacket along with some jeans, and I also borrowed my dads wallet. I met up with yuri at the entrance, she was wearing a lavender sundress and had a purse slung on her shoulder.

We first headed to the cinema inside the mall and caught a screening of the new moive "Godzilla vs Kong". I absolutely loved it, while Yuri didn't. She said the movie needed to focus more on characters, plot devlopment, and logic. If it was any other person, I would've been pretty pissed. But since it was Yuri, I wasn't mad at all. 

After that, we shopped around. We stopped by the cosemetics and candle stores where Yuri brought scented candles and perfume, next up we shopped at the bookstore were we decided to buy books that we would both read. She picked the entire "A song of Ice and Fire series" while I picked "World War Z". I stopped infront of the best sellers stand. Yuri approached me.

"You know Yuri," I said. "One day, my book will end up here, it will have the sticker and everything. Maybe I'll even make a movie deal with it."

She giggled.

"Well the quality of your book matters the most, I'll help you YN with that."

I looked at her and smiled.

We then headed to the arcade. We first played some light gun games, these included shooters with dinosaurs, zombies, and robots. Suprisingly Yuri was supperior at those games thanks to her sharp mind and instincts, we then played a dance game which didn't turn out so well as Yuri tripped on me and we both collapsed, laughing.

Then it was time for dinner.

We headed to the foodcourt, I bought chicken terriyaki rice while Yuri bought Sushi. As we ate I had an urge to talk about something. Something that bothered me quite a bit. It would kill the atmosphere of this date but I felt it needed to be adressed.

"Hey Yuri."

Her head perked up from her food.

"Yes YN?"

I hestitate for a bit, but then face her.

"I need to talk to you about something...well more like someone."

"Who is it?" she said, confused.

"I want to talk about Sayori."

The One for Me (Doki Doki Literature Club) Yuri X Male OC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now